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Rebuilding Haiti through Citizen Engagement and Human Rights Education


VILES ALIZAR  ̶  Haiti   This story is part of the series We are human rights changemakers to celebrate Equitas’ 50th anniversary (#Equitas50). All through 2017, we invite you to discover stories of 50 inspiring human rights changemakers. These are but a few of the hundreds who have changed lives around the world through human […]

Playing it Fair in the City of Surrey

Charting the Success of the Equitas’ Play it Fair! Program National Child Day (November 20) is fast approaching. Every year in the lead up to National Child Day, the City of Surrey in B.C. hosts a Kids Conference in partnership with community organizations like Equitas, to celebrate children in their community. The Surrey Kids Conference […]

A Future for Peace in Colombia

Building Colombia’s historical memory through human rights education After 50 years of conflict, the long-awaited peace accord between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) wasn’t ratified. On October 2, citizens who voted “No” to the referendum won by 0.4 percentage points. The small difference of around 60,000 votes shows the […]

Impact story – Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata : We all work together to help one another

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata (Ma Mawi) is a Grandmother in the Winnipeg family of community service-providers working with Indigenous families for more than 30 years. Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata means “we all work together to help one another” in Ojibway. Over the last 10 years, Ma Mawi and Equitas have been exchanging knowledge, […]

Meet Sophie Diouf : economically empowering women in Thiès, Sénégal

We apologize, this entry is only available in French at the moment.   Sophie Diouf, de l’Association Saint-Paul, travaille dans la banlieue de Thiès, à la création de programmes de micro-crédit pour permettre aux femmes du village de vivre dans la dignité. Sophie a participé à une formation d’Equitas et de ses partenaires il y […]

Over 600 Children Joined PiF Day in British Columbia

“We all have human rights. Our roof that is top of our head, our school… These are our rights.”  A  6 years-old proudly said this out loud  during the PiF Day celebration in Vancouver, British Columbia on August 12, International Youth Day. Over 600 children in BC celebrated Play It Fair! Day as part of  a national celebration taking […]

Programme on Engaged Citizenship: A contribution of Haitian human rights organisations to the reconstruction of Haiti

Article first published on the Coordination Europe-Haiti website here.   In 2010, about twenty Haitian human rights organisations launched a programme for the promotion of engaged citizenship. The idea of the programme was born after the earthquake of January 2010, which destroyed a large part of the Haitian capital and surrounding cities and which caused […]

Colombian bilateral ceasefire presents opportunity to advance human rights

(Spanish version follows – Versión en español a continuación) The recent announcement of the ceasefire between the Government and the FARC, after more than 50 years of conflict, constitutes an important and necessary step to achieve the desired social change in the country. We are confident that the eventual signature of a Peace Agreement will […]