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Evaluation & Innovation

Evaluating the impact of human rights education worldwide: the key to Equitas’ continued and sustainable success.

Evaluating the impact of human rights education is a complex undertaking, just as the goal of social change is very broad and complex.

Equitas supports rigorous, systematic and continuous evaluation of human rights education and training worldwide to ensure our approach stays relevant and has a genuine empowering effect.

Evaluation of human rights education is a developing field. Thanks to the support of our partners, we are able to pursue our commitment to evaluation of human rights education by documenting our findings, developing participatory baseline studies, guides and trainings, and sharing accessible tools that are adaptable to different contexts.

Our team is dedicated to making sure our work as human rights educators makes a difference.

As measuring the impact of our work is essential, this year Equitas collaborated with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to create a new evaluation tool. Evaluating the impact of human rights training – a guidance tool on developing indicators was designed primarily for human rights educators working with adults in non-formal education contexts. This innovative tool fills a gap and helps human rights organizations to more precisely measure the changes that occur as a result of their human rights education work and their collective impact in Canada and across the world.


What they say

Moshi, Tanzania

“I feel empowered. This is capacity building. The methodology of including participants was effective and the design and organization of the results were very well done.”
Michael Reuben, Equitas alumnus, on the Gallery Walk presenting the baseline study results to the community (2015)


SUPPORT our human rights education efforts to evaluate impact worldwide.

Give communities like Msaranga in Tanzania the tools they need to measure the success of their human rights education efforts, and engage more community members in positive change. Support our human rights knowledge work by making a donation today.    

Human rights education ignites community solutions that lead to change.
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