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Our Human Rights-Based Approach

A human rights-based approach (HRBA) is fundamental to achieving sustainable development & social change so that nobody is left behind.

What is Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA)?

A human rights-based approach (HRBA) is fundamental to achieving sustainable development & social change so that nobody is left behind. HRBA is a conceptual framework that:

  • equates development to the realization of all human rights for all
  • is based on international human rights standards and aims to promote and protect human rights
  • views development as human development and socio-economic development
  • emphasizes a more holistic, participatory and accountable process – not only results
  • identifies rights holders and duty bearers and their capacities
  • reinforces progress towards gender equality

The elements of HRBA include:

  • Participation and inclusion​
  • Accountability and transparency​
  • Non-discrimination and equality​
  • Empowerment​
  • Links to human rights

Sustainable Development Goals and human rights

A human rights-based approach is fundamental to achieving sustainable development and social change. It leads to better and more sustainable human development outcomes​ and requires viewing situations and challenges through a holistic lens guided by international human rights principles and standards​.