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Important Milestones for Women Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Seventy years ago, in 1948, the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – a document that contains 30 articles of rights that promote human dignity, equality and serve to end discrimination in all forms. The document was collectively drafted by people all over the world, one of which being Equitas co-founder, […]

Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program brings people together to promote social change

  Approximately 100 human rights defenders from around the globe will be congregating in Montreal on June 10 for a three-week training program organized by Equitas every year. The International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is an unmatched experience during which human rights educators learn to be more effective in their work. Facilitated by former participants, the […]

Speaking Rights Changemakers: Transforming communities coast to coast to coast

  “As participants of the 2017 Speaking Rights Changemakers Forum, we are transforming communities coast to coast to coast.  Our collective goals are to: create positive change; ensure that youth voices are heard by decision-makers and community members; encourage diversity; build more inclusive communities; support youth empowerment; take action; increase youth engagement, and to raise awareness of the problems youth face.”   Youth leaders […]

Thank you to everyone involved for making the 8th International Conference on Human Rights Education such a success!

  3.5 days, 300 participants, 58 countries represented, 70 workshops and plenaries, 6,628 messages exchanged on the Conference App, 701 posts on the Conference hashtag #ICHRE2017 and over 10 million people reached on Twitter alone….    How can we capture the spirit of the many memorable moments that happened at the International Conference on Human […]