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Peace Days activity 2022 : Exclusion by numbers

This activity, taken from Equitas’ Building Inclusive Communities guide and adapted in the context of Peace Days 2022, asks children to think about situations of racism, discrimination and exclusion, to explore what it feels like to be treated unfairly, and to discuss how to adopt more inclusive behaviors. Also available in French.

Guidelines for ethical use of images

These guidelines establish best practices for capturing and disseminating images (photos or videos) with the most informed consent of those featured in the images with conscious thought given to all ethical considerations. Also available in French.

How to Dismantle Racism using a Human Rights-Based Approach

Addressing racism today requires an understanding of how human rights are violated by racist ideas and discriminatory acts. Being anti-racist begins with an awareness of several forms of racism, which includes individual, interpersonal, institutional, and systemic. This tip-sheet was created after a partner workshop called “Human Right Education as an Intersectional Anti-Racism Tool”. Also available […]

The Learning Spiral

This video explains the Learning Spiral, a learning model that engages learners in actively constructing their learning experience, fostering them to apply their newly gained knowledge into practice. Also available in French. 

The 5-Steps Process

This video explains the 5-step process that enables community members to identify the human rights and gender equality issues affecting their community using a participatory approach. Also available in French.

Splash and Ripple

This video about the Splash and Ripple analogy helps us understand the concept of change that human rights education produces over time and how this change can be measured at different levels. Also available in French.