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Raising the Voices of Migrant Workers in Malaysia

GLORENE DAS – Malaysia. Malaysia has one of the fastest-growing economies in South-East Asia, with a population of approximately 30 million people. The economic situation of the country makes it appealing to the surrounding countries, where large parts of the population are seeking a better life.

Promoting Human Rights and Religious Plurality in Pakistan

SAMSON SALAMAT – Pakistan. When Samson Salamat was a child in Pakistan, neither he nor his seven brothers and sisters could use the same plates or glasses as their classmates. They were not the same as the other 2,000 families in their village—they were among Pakistan’s 1.5 percent Christian minority.

Empowering young mothers of the black community of Montreal

MONIQUE DAUPHIN – Montreal. Monique Dauphin is a key figure in the Haitian community of Montreal thanks to her many achievements, especially for women’s rights. Monique started questioning inequality early on: “When my mother discovered the significance of the word “feminist”, she told me that I had always been one”. 

Standing up for the Rights of Women, Girls and Religious Minorities in Pakistan

ASAMA JAHANGIR – Pakistan. Asma Jahangir has been a prominent human rights lawyer and activist in Pakistan for the last 40 years. She learned the importance of freedom of expression early on in life, as her father was a political prisoner. When she began practicing law in early 1980, there were few women in court and there were no women judges on the bench.

Engaging Youth for Conflict Resolution in Ukraine

ROMAN KOVAL – Ukraine. Roman Koval of the Institute for Peace and Common Ground recognized the participatory approach to conflict resolution as a clear path toward a nonviolent civil society. An experienced mediator, Roman began working with the Equitas participatory human rights education program as a training facilitator in 2002.