Human Rights Education Curbs Polarization: MAKE A DONATION TODAY!
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Hétéra Estimphil: Educator and activist for the rights of LGBTQI people in Haiti

In July 2013, various anti-homosexuality protests attacking the rights of LGBTI communities took place in Port-au Prince, Haiti. It was also that summer, Hétéra, a Haitian transgender woman, realized the extent to which her identity is misunderstood.     "I don't see myself as an abomination, I don't see myself as a mortal sin, I don't see myself as a mentally ill person, no! I told myself that I have to [...]

John Smith: Challenging stigma and discrimination through human rights education in Guinea

*Real name has been changed for safety reasons* John Smith is a founding member of Afrique arc-en-ciel Guinée, an NGO which has been striving to protect and defend the LGBTQ+ community in Guinea from false information, stigma, and discrimination since 2008. John participated in the first edition of Global Rights Connection – an innovative virtual [...]

5 tips for recognizing and dealing with online hate

1. Understand what online hate is According to the UN, online hate is defined as “any kind of communication in speech, writing or behavior, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, [...]

Play it fair : success story

Equitas’ program for children Play it Fair!, places children with diverse experiences and backgrounds at the heart of change by building their self-esteem, connectedness and developing their leadership skills. This year, 300+ Newcomer and Refugee Children are taking action in building more connected and strong communities across Canada. Learn more about their last successes here.

Pia Marin raises funds for Equitas for her birthday

For her birthday this year, Pia Marin decided she didn’t want to receive any more material items, so instead of birthday gifts, she is asking her friends and family to make donations to Equitas, so that other women and children can be provided with the opportunities that she has been granted. Pia chose Equitas as […]

Human Rights Educator Sang Hnin Lian on his Experience at the IHRTP and his Work at the Chin Human Rights Organization

  Over the past 17 years, four human rights defenders from the Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO) have attended Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP). The latest attendee is Sang Hnin Lian, who participated in the program this past June.   Based in Burma/Myanmar, the CHRO consists of four programs: The Indigenous Peoples Development […]

Soinette Désir, International Human Rights Training Program Co-Facilitator and Past Participant Advocates for Women and Girls with Disabilities in Haiti

  For over 10 years, Soinette Désir has been working to increase visibility and demand basic human rights for women living with a disability in Haiti through the nonprofit organization l’Union des femmes à mobilité reduite en Haiti (UFMORH) (Union for Women with Reduced Mobility in Haiti).   Her inspiration comes from a place of personal […]

Important Milestones for Women Since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Seventy years ago, in 1948, the United Nations proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – a document that contains 30 articles of rights that promote human dignity, equality and serve to end discrimination in all forms. The document was collectively drafted by people all over the world, one of which being Equitas co-founder, […]