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World social forum: Equitas promotes youth participation in Tunisia

26 mars 2015 About 20 young members of Equitas’ EU funded Mosharka project in Tunisia, participated at the World Social Forum this week in Tunis. In cooperation with the Association des Femmes tunisiennes pour la Recherche sur le Développement, the young members hosted a workshop titled Socioeconomic rights of youth for a better social integration. […]

The Young Women Young Leaders Forum: stand up for change!

December 4, 2014 Over 120 persons participated to the Young Women, Young Leaders (YWYL) Forum, yesterday, December 3rd. The event was an opportunity to highlight the ways fifty remarkable young women in Montreal have turned action into change and have been transforming their communities. Fifty diverse women from four communities across Montreal are at the core […]

Invitation to the Young Women, Young Leaders Forum

November 26, 2014 Please join us for the Young Women, Young Leaders (YWYL) Forum on December 3rd. During this public event we will be highlighting the ways over 50 remarkable young women in Montreal have turned action into change and have been transforming their communities.  This is your chance to exchange, learn about Action for […]

A successful day of discussions at the Maison d’Haïti

October 31, 2014 Maison d’Haïti, a Montreal organization dedicated to the education and integration of immigrants and immigrant families, hosted over fifty members of the Haitian community last Saturday, October 25. Parents, community workers and representatives of youth protection services and other organizations working with children were invited to speak about the issues involved in […]

IHRTP 2014: Meeting the needs of human rights defenders

August 11, 2014 According to a survey of participants attending Equitas’ 2014 International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP), 92 % of respondents felt that the program fully met their expectations of a human rights training program. Almost all of the respondents (99 %) felt that the teaching method used by Equitas – an approach that […]

« Les droits humains, c’est de reconnaître la valeur de chaque personne »

Jade et Marie-Louise travaillent auprès de jeunes filles et femmes de 8 ans à 35 ans au Y des femmes de Montréal. Elles accompagnent ces jeunes dans leur processus de développement personnel et professionnel. Elles essaient d’amener ces jeunes à développer leurs habiletés de leadership, leur confiance en soi et surtout les amener à mobiliser […]

Les droits humains au cœur de ma vie et de mon travail

Darley Polony travaille au Centre communautaire Dawson depuis plus de 10 ans. Tout a commencé un jour où, étudiante au Collège Dawson, elle a vu une annonce. On cherchait une tutrice pour aider les jeunes après l’école. Voulant travailler auprès des jeunes et pensant que le Centre communautaire Dawson était situé près de son collège […]

November 26, 2013: Launch of the Mosharka project in Fes, Morocco

Youth and local organisations from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen have teamed up with Equitas to launch a new three year project called Mosharka (“participation” in Arabic). This project is funded primarily by the European Union (750,000 €) and by the Ford Foundation. It  builds on the vital role played by young people, who […]

À la rencontre des défenseurs des droits humains

J’ai eu la chance d’être sélectionné dans le cadre de mon entreprise, AIMIA, pour une expérience unique en son genre: construire un plan marketing pour une organisation non gouvernementale pour l’éducation aux droits humains, Equitas. Je me suis beaucoup inspiré du travail qui avait servi à construire cet article sur la condition des travailleurs migrants […]

In a safe environment, people speak freely…

Montreal -Long before the civil war, Syria was regularly criticized by human rights defenders and the international community for its failure to comply with human rights standards. Today, the situation is not much better. The war has claimed more than 90,000 people (according to the UN), and since the conflict began in March 2011, the […]