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Bridging our Diversities: Gender Equality

Learn how leading human rights educators promote gender equality through human rights education. This chapter of Bridging our Diversities: A Compendium of Good Practices in Human Rights Education provides concrete examples of how gender equality can be integrated into all phases of a human rights education initiative. Also available in French

Bridging our Diversities: Addressing Global Challenges

This chapter of Bridging our Diversities: A Compendium of Good Practices in Human Rights Education, provides effective strategies for addressing 21st century problems including poverty, conflict, discrimination, backlash to women’s rights, scapegoating of refugees, shrinking space for human rights defenders, and the rise of populism. Also available in French

Bridging our Diversities: A Compendium of Good Practices in Human Rights Education

This comprehensive publication builds on years of research and analysis conducted by Equitas in close collaboration with organisations in the Global South as a follow-up to an international conference organized in 2017 by Equitas and the OHCHR, supported by Global Affairs Canada. It addresses the following topics among others: women’s rights, indigenous rights and engaging […]

Guidelines for ethical use of images

These guidelines establish best practices for capturing and disseminating images (photos or videos) with the most informed consent of those featured in the images with conscious thought given to all ethical considerations. Also available in French.

How to Dismantle Racism using a Human Rights-Based Approach

Addressing racism today requires an understanding of how human rights are violated by racist ideas and discriminatory acts. Being anti-racist begins with an awareness of several forms of racism, which includes individual, interpersonal, institutional, and systemic. This tip-sheet was created after a partner workshop called “Human Right Education as an Intersectional Anti-Racism Tool”. Also available […]