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Inclusion definition

A working definition of the word “Inclusion”. This definition guides the work of the Inclusion Learning Committee at Equitas. A reference/resource for those who wish to work on the concepts of inclusion, belonging, and accessibility. Also available in French

Bridging our Diversities: Engaging Decision Makers

Engaging decision makers in human rights education can significantly contribute to the advancement of human rights. This chapter of Bridging our Diversities: A Compendium of Good Practices in Human Rights Education provides effective strategies engaging decision makers in and/or through human rights education. Also available in French

Bridging our Diversities: Evaluation in Human Rights Education

How do we effectively measure the impact of human rights education? This chapter of Bridging our Diversities: A Compendium of Good Practices in Human Rights Education provides guidance for human rights educators on how to carry out effective evaluation of human rights education which will not only improve the quality of their work but also […]

The Learning Spiral

This video explains the Learning Spiral, a learning model that engages learners in actively constructing their learning experience, fostering them to apply their newly gained knowledge into practice. Also available in French. 

The 5-Steps Process

This video explains the 5-step process that enables community members to identify the human rights and gender equality issues affecting their community using a participatory approach. Also available in French.

L’approche participative

This video explains how to use a participatory approach, founded on principles of mutual respect and reciprocal learning and how it includes the voice of the learners in the learning process. Also available in English.