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What is Fair?

This activity aims to think about what fairness is and identify things we can do to make sure all young people are treated fairly. Also available in French.

Gender Equality: Challenges and Strategies

This reference material identifies challenges related to gender equality faced by human rights educators and strategies to promote gender equality and women’s rights. Also available in French.

L’égalité de genre: défis et stratégies

This reference material identifies challenges related to gender equality faced by human rights educators and strategies to promote gender equality and women’s rights. Also available in English.

What is Accessibility?

Accessibility is ensuring the ability for everyone, regardless of disability, to have access, use, and benefit from their environment. It means making sure that people with disabilities have access to the physical environment, transportation, information and communications and to other facilities and services that are open or provided to the public, on an equal basis […]

One Flag, Six Colours

An artistic activity to recognize and respect the diversity of the LGBTI community; to question the prejudices existing within the LGBTI community. Also available in French.

Un drapeau, six couleurs

An artistic activity to recognize and respect the diversity of the LGBTI community; to question the prejudices existing within the LGBTI community. Also available in English.