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Employment opportunity – Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Officer

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization whose primary mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine that your work aligns with your personal values and that you participate every day in creating positive social change through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 60 like-minded […]

Request for Proposals – ACTIF

Context Equitas advances equality, social justice and respect for human dignity through transformative human rights education programs in Canada and around the world. To deliver on our mission, Equitas’ programming contributes to the empowerment of individuals and groups to challenge inequality and discrimination and take action to respect, protect and defend human rights. Dignity Network […]

Employment opportunity – Education Specialist, Canada

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization whose primary mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine that your work aligns with your personal values and that you participate every day in creating positive social change through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 60 like-minded […]

Employment opportunity – Program Officer, Quebec

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization whose primary mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine that your work aligns with your personal values and that you participate every day in creating positive social change through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 60 like-minded […]

Consultancy offer : Writing annual report for Advancing Equality through Human Rights Education program

About Equitas Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education is recognized as a global leader with over 55 years’ experience in the design, delivery and evaluation of effective human rights education programs that advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity in Canada and around the world. Equitas’ programming contributes to the empowerment […]

Employment opportunity – Senior Advisor, Fund Development

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization whose primary mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine that your work aligns with your personal values and that you participate every day in creating positive social change through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 60 like-minded […]

Employment opportunity – Program Officer

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization that’s core mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine your work aligning with your personal values and being a part of creating positive social change every day through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 60 liked-minded employees […]

Internship opportunity – Coordination Assistant – IHRTP

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization whose primary mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine that your work aligns with your personal values and that you participate every day in creating positive social change through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 55 like-minded […]

Internship opportunity – Communication Assistant – IHRTP

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization whose primary mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine that your work aligns with your personal values and that you participate every day in creating positive social change through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 55 like-minded […]

Internship opportunity – Education Intern – IHRTP

Be a part of positive social change Imagine working for an organization whose primary mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity. Imagine that your work aligns with your personal values and that you participate every day in creating positive social change through transformative human rights education programs. Alongside 55 like-minded […]