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Terms of reference – Call for proposals: Animated video capsules to highlight the end of Advancing Equality Through Human Rights Education project


For 57 years, Equitas – International Center for Human Rights Education has been working towards advancing equality, social justice and respect of human dignity all around the world. Equitas is recognized as a leader in global efforts to design and deliver innovative and effective human rights education programs for first-line human rights defenders and educators, children, youth and governmental institutions. Our tools and methodology enable individuals to shape and share positive attitudes and behaviors, thus contributing to sustainable social change. Equitas has reached more than 4.5 million people in Canada and in the world. 

The Advancing Equality Through Human Rights Education (2019-2024) (AEHRE) project is implemented with local partners, including the Mouvement burkinabé des droits de l’Homme et des peuples (MBDHP) in Burkina Fasom the Association Femme Soleil in Haïti (AFASDA), Women’s Empowerment Link (WEL) in Kenya, the Rencontre africaine pour la défense des droits de l’Homme (RADDHO), the Réseau Equitas Sénégal pour l’éducation aux droits humains (RESEDHU) and the Comité de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes (CVLF) in Senegal and TUSONGE Community Development Organization in Tanzania. The project is funded by the Governement of Canada through Global Affairs Canada. 

Gender inequalities are a serious challenge in the five countries included in this project (Burkina Faso, Haiti, Kenya, Senegal and Tanzania). Using participatory human rights education and gender-based analysis, Equitas works with local partners and other stakeholders to build local leadership capacity of women, girls and their allies. This contributes towards empowerment and a more enabling environment for women and girls to take action locally and nationally to advance human rights and gender equality. Women and girls gain tools and knowledge through the project to address barriers to equality, including low participation of women in decision-making, discriminatory gender norms and entrenched social structures, sexual and gender-based violence, discriminatory laws, policies and practices, low priorities on girls and women’s education, unequal access to services, resources and employment opportunities, limited access to justice, and the feminization of poverty. 


To mark the conclusion of the Advancing Equality Through Human Rights Education (AEHRE) project, Equitas envisions to produce 4 video capsules of 2 minutes each presenting the work accomplished and the progress made during the last 5 years by Equitas and local partners. Each capsule will focus on a specific theme and feature the progress and results in partner countries, and how these efforts contribute to the respect and promotion of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

The motion designer will be responsible for developing 4 capsules in motion design in accordance with the directives, content and graphic norms provided by Equitas. The animation will respect the values of Equitas and must convey the diversity of individuals with whom Equitas works. 

The contract is set to begin in May, as soon as possible. 


Main objective

Developing 4 capsules of 2 minutes each in motion design, in French and translated in English, aiming to emphasize the work, the progress and the results achieved by Equitas and partners during the five year-tenure of the Advancing Equality Through Human Rights Education project. 


  • 1 online meeting with the Senior Communications and Community Officer and the Communications and Knowledge Consultant to discuss the needs and expectations; 
  • Producing 4 video capsules in motion design of 2 minutes each in English in accordance with the following criteria: 
  • Equitas’ values; 
  • Equitas’ creative vision; 
  • Equitas’ graphic norms; 
  • The themes and the written content, provided by the Communications and Knowledge Consultant; 
  • Provide a background music track for each capsule; 
  • Incorporate a narration track provided by Equitas; 
  • Incorporate subtitles in French and English with the files provided by Equitas; 
  • Translation of the 4 capsules in French. 


  • Presentation of the graphic concepts; 
  • Presentation of a storyboard; 
  • A total of 8 capsules in motion design of 2 minutes each, 4 in French and 4 in English in high definition, 1920 x 1080 size. 

Work schedule

As soon as possible. Please include a timetable in your proposition. 

Proposition requirements

To apply, please submit a proposition including the following documents: 

  • A quotation indicating the name of the company, the planned steps, the rates and a total cost estimate; 
  • A work plan with a timetable indicating approximatively when the capsules will be ready; 
  • A portfolio of previous mandates, especially those related to a similar project.  

Given the nature of our work, we encourage applications from any candidates who have experienced marginalization, in particular, Black, Indigenous, and racialized people, 2SLGBTQI+ people, and people living with disabilities. Candidates who wish to do so may self-identify in their application. 

Please submit your proposition to Ariane Lagacé, Senior Communications and Community Officer, to alagace@equitas.org by Friday, May 3, 2024. Please mention “Motion Design Capsules AEHRE” in the subject of your message.