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Consultancy Offer: Web development, maintenance and support






For 57 years, Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education has been working to advance equality, social justice, and respect for human dignity worldwide. Equitas is recognized as a leader in global efforts to design and deliver innovative and effective human rights education programs for human rights defenders and frontline educators, children, youth, and government institutions. Our tools and methodology enable individuals to shape and share positive attitudes and behaviors, thus contributing to sustainable social change. Equitas has reached over 4.5 million people in Canada and around the world. 

Equitas is currently accepting proposals for development, maintenance, and support services for Moodle, WordPress, and web technologies for a twelve-month period (renewable for the same period), to support the Equitas team in managing its web tools and platforms. This includes future integration between Moodle and WordPress with the Azure and Microsoft 365 environment. 

Equitas is therefore seeking to develop a strong, trust-based business relationship with a consultant to handle the development, maintenance, and support for its web platforms. 

As part of this consultation, the consultant and Equitas commit to implementing a reciprocal and regular evaluation process, on a monthly to quarterly basis, depending on the project’s needs. These bilateral evaluations aim to ensure continuous alignment between Equitas’ expectations and the consultant’s deliverables, to identify opportunities for improvement in the execution of the mandate, and to promote open and constructive communication. The parties commit to participating in these evaluations in good faith, the objective of which is not punitive but part of a pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement, allowing for the optimization of their collaboration throughout the duration of the contract. 



Equitas is seeking a consultant for the following services: 

  • Consultations related to web technologies, including Moodle, WordPress, web development, system requirements, Microsoft Office services, web design, compatibility, accessibility, and mobile devices. 
  • Development, updating, and maintenance of Moodle, including the theme layer, micro-applications, plugin support, Microsoft integration, and authentication mechanisms. 
  • Development, updating, and maintenance of WordPress, including the theme layer and plugin support.



The consultant will ensure the completion of the following main deliverables: 

  • Prepare a detailed work plan outlining technology needs, methodology, and implementation steps. This plan will be submitted for review to the Senior Officer, Communications and Community, the Director of Education and Communications, and the Operations and Information Technology Manager to ensure approval and agreement from all concerned parties. 
  • Develop and maintain the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) platform, including the theme layer, micro-applications, plugin support, authentication mechanisms, and updates. 
  • Update the Moodle platform from version 3 to Moodle 4. 
  • Develop, update, and maintain Equitas’ WordPress website, including the theme layer and plugin support. 
  • Provide follow-up and support to the team to answer questions throughout the duration of the contract. 
  • Develop a scheduled site maintenance plan. 
  • Assist in planning future projects as well as sizing and effort estimation for the Moodle and WordPress platforms, considering content backup. 

The consultation activities will be delivered in French and/or English. The consultant will ensure that the expected deliverables comply with other Equitas guidelines and tools in terms of format and structure. The quality and content of the deliverables will be evaluated and validated by the Director of Education and Communications (in consultation with the Senior Communications and Community Officer, and the Operations and Information Technology Manager) 



To carry out the mandate and produce the expected deliverables, the consultant will: 

  • Consult with stakeholders at Equitas, including but not limited to the Senior Communications and Community Officer, the Director of Education and Communications, and the Operations and Information Technology Manager, to better understand the organization’s needs regarding the deliverables related to this consultation. 
  • Conduct a detailed analysis of the needs and opportunities for improvement of the web technologies currently in place at Equitas. 
  • Actively participate in online follow-up meetings with the Senior Communications and Community Officer, the Director of Education and Communications, and the Operations and Information Technology Manager. These meetings will aim to evaluate the progress of the work plan, identify any difficulties encountered, and determine the support needs necessary for the proper execution of the agreed services. 
  • Comprehensively and accurately document all procedures necessary for operational continuity, in accordance with current standards and practices. This documentation, which will become the exclusive property of Equitas, will aim to ensure effective transfer of knowledge and procedures to team members, thus reducing dependence on a single person for critical task execution. The consultant will establish peer knowledge-sharing processes, facilitating the management of absences, travel, and leave without compromising service quality. The documentation provided will be sufficiently detailed and clear to allow other competent individuals to continue the work in the Consultant’s absence, while respecting Equitas’ confidentiality and data protection standards. 
  • Scrupulously respect Equitas’ confidentiality and data protection standards in the execution of all the tasks above. 


   Duration, Level of Effort, and Location

  • Number of contract days: The number of consultation days will be determined based on project needs and required services. The consultant will propose a corresponding budget based on hours of effort, work, or development. 
  • Execution period: The consultation will take place over a flexible period, adjusted according to project needs. The consultant’s services will be requested as long as necessary, for an initial duration of twelve months, renewable for the same period. 
  • Location: Remote. It is expected that all contract services will be performed from home and all meetings will be virtual. The consultant agrees to provide and use all required equipment (computer, phone, Internet connection, etc.). Equitas will cover the licenses, certificates, specific licenses, and services necessary for the project. 


Management Arrangements

The consultant will report directly to Jean-Sébastien Vallée, Equitas’ Director of Education and Communications (responsible for approving deliverables and invoices). Equitas will provide the necessary base documents for the mission. The consultant will work closely with the Senior Communications and Community Officer. 


Desired Qualifications

The consultant should possess the following experience, skills, and knowledge: 

  • Experience in consultations related to Web technologies, particularly Moodle, WordPress, development, system requirements, Microsoft Office services, web design, compatibility, accessibility, and mobile devices. 
  • Technical experience in the development, updating, and maintenance of Moodle (including theme layer, micro-applications, plugin support, authentication mechanisms, and upgrades). 
  • Technical experience in the development, updating, and maintenance of WordPress (including theme layer, plugin support, and updates). 
  • Ability to communicate orally, read, and understand documents in one of Canada’s two official languages (English and French). 
  • Demonstrated commitment to contributing to and promoting a work environment that values diversity, inclusion, and equality. 
  • Ability to manage available time and resources and to work within tight deadlines. 


  How to Apply

To apply, please send: 

  • Resume containing relevant information. 
  • Technical proposals with indicative work plan and proposed schedule. 
  • Detailed budget providing the cost of consulting services, including daily rate in CDN$, and total cost. 

Please mention “WEB Consultation – Equitas” in the subject line of your message.

Applications must be sent by email to rhequitas@equitas.org  no later than July 19, 2024. 

Feel free to contact us by email for any other details or requests. 

Equitas will respond to candidates with its decision within 5 working days following the deadline for submission of proposals. 

A contractual agreement will be negotiated following the selection of a winning proposal at the end of this process. The terms and conditions of such an agreement will be subject to review by Equitas’ finance department and will include all necessary provisions.