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IHRTP 2015: the countdown is on!

March 23, 2015 The countdown to the 36th edition of Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is well underway. We are happy to announce that our participants, as well as facilitators and co-facilitators have been selected! With about 600 applications from 80 countries, there were a lot of difficult decisions to make. The 2015 […]

Equitas at the educational symposium of teachers of Montreal

March 19, 2015 How can we get children and youth to integrate human rights values like respect, inclusion, and acceptance in their everyday behaviors and attitudes? Jean-Sébastien Vallée, an education specialist at Equitas, and Ruth Morrisson, program officer at Equitas, are aiming to provide an answer to this tricky question at the Educational Symposium of […]

In Tanzania, community members use their voice to fight exclusion and violence

March 16, 2005 Today, 185 men, women and children of all ages gathered in the community of Biriri, located at the foot of Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. They came together to hear the results of the baseline study that Equitas, in partnership with Tusonge and community leaders, facilitated in three communities in the region over the […]

Fighting violence to promote youth participation in Senegal

March 9, 2015 More than 100 youth, community leaders, and representatives of local authority shared their experiences and offered recommendations during a community forum which took place in Thiès, Senegal on February 25. The forum‘s theme was the fight against violence in the community. The participants welcomed the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences, […]

Civic participation in Haiti

March 3, 2015 In Haiti, thirty people from the communities of Gressier, La Victoire and Thomassique participated in an inter-community Forum on civic participation. The event, organised by Equitas partners in Haiti took place on February 28 and March 1 in Hinche. Participants discussed engaged citizenship and shared their experiences in this matter. They also […]

Equitas mourns the loss of a great human rights defender

February 17, 2015 Equitas was saddened to learn of the passing on February 9, 2015 of Max Yalden. Max was a member of Equitas’ Honorary Board and the father of Equitas’ Past-President Rob Yalden. Max Yalden was a distinguished Canadian who made many important contributions to human rights in Canada and abroad. He was the […]

Equitas proud to have taken part in the development of Canada’s Civil Society Partnership Policy

February 9, 2015 Equitas is proud to have contributed to the development of the new International Development and Humanitarian Assistance Civil Society Partnership Policy that was released by the Minister for International Development and La Francophonie, the Honourable Christian Paradis. This policy highlights Canada’s resolve to work with civil society to promote democracy and human […]

We can #DoBetter2015 for the participation of children and youth

February 5, 2015 Equitas works to improve communities through sustainable and effective human rights education programs. As members of the Canadian Council for International Co-operation, we support the #DoBetter2015 movement. If we work together, we believe Canadians can bring about important changes that will address the challenges of inequality and human rights; climate change; and […]