Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Strengthening Human Rights Education in Iraq: Workshop III Training of Trainers Workshop Manual Published in 2009 A workshop manual for human rights trainers for Iraqi NGOs to increase respect for human rights, democracy and reduced conflict by using a human rights-based approach to plan, design and develop HRE programs. This manual provides instructions for human rights educators from Iraq. Also available in Arabic.
Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Regional Training for Trainers Workshop I Manual Published in 2008 A regional workshop for human rights trainers a part of the MENA program to identify, plan and develop HRE programs to be facilitated over a period of 3 years. This is workshop 1 of 3. Also available in English.
Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Strengthening Human Rights Education in Iraq – Workshop II Manua Published in 2008 A workshop manual for Iraqi NGOs to increase respect for human rights, democracy and reduced conflict by using a human rights-based approach to conduct a 6-day HRE workshop. This is the second in a series of two workshops. Also available in Arabic.
Regional Training of Trainers South East Asia: Workshop Manual Published in 2007 A workshop manual for human rights trainers to design, develop and apply HRE activities and initiatives at IHRTP alumni organizations in South East Asia (Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam).
Building the Capacity of the RANHAM Education Team: Training of Trainers Workshop Manual (Bahasa Indonesian) Published in 2007 A workshop manual for human rights trainers working on the dissemination and education on human rights to conduct effective HRE efforts in Indonesia. Also available in English.
Building the Capacity of the RANHAM Education Team: Training of Trainers Workshop Manual Published in 2007 A workshop manual for human rights trainers working on the dissemination and education on human rights to conduct effective HRE efforts in Indonesia. Also available in Bahasa Indonesia.
Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Regional Training for Trainers Workshop II Manual (Arabic) Published in 2007 A regional workshop for human rights trainers a part of the MENA program to identify, plan and develop HRE programs to be facilitated over a period of 3 years. This is workshop 2 of 3. Also available in English.
Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Regional Training for Trainers Workshop I Manual Published in 2007 A regional workshop for human rights trainers a part of the MENA program to identify, plan and develop HRE programs to be facilitated over a period of 3 years. This is workshop 1 of 3. Also available in Arabic.
Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Strengthening Human Rights Education in Iraq: Workshop I Manual Published in 2007 A workshop manual for Iraqi NGOs to increase respect for human rights, democracy and reduced conflict by using a human rights-based approach. This volume (1 of 2) is also available in English.
Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Strengthening Human Rights Education in Iraq: Workshop I Manual Published in 2007 A workshop manual for Iraqi NGOs to increase respect for human rights, democracy and reduced conflict by using a human rights-based approach. This volume (1 of 2) is also available in English.