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The 5-Steps Process

This video explains the 5-step process that enables community members to identify the human rights and gender equality issues affecting their community using a participatory approach. Also available in French.

L’approche participative

This video explains how to use a participatory approach, founded on principles of mutual respect and reciprocal learning and how it includes the voice of the learners in the learning process. Also available in English.

The Participatory Approach

This video explains how to use a participatory approach, founded on principles of mutual respect and reciprocal learning and how it includes the voice of the learners in the learning process. Also available in French.

Integrating HRBA and Equitable Partnerships into Development Programming: Operationalizing the Istanbul Principles

A user guide to help facilitators lead participatory workshops to provide development practitioners with tools for integrating a human rights-based approach and equitable partnerships into the projects of their organizations. Facilitators use this guide to prepare to conduct the workshop and participants use this guide as a reference manual during and after the workshop.

Human Rights Education: A Pathway to Building a Human Rights Culture in Iraq, the Middle East and North Africa: Strengthening Human Rights Education in Iraq: Workshop III Training of Trainers Workshop Manual

A workshop manual for human rights trainers for Iraqi NGOs to increase respect for human rights, democracy and reduced conflict by using a human rights-based approach to plan, design and develop HRE programs. This manual provides instructions for human rights educators from Iraq. Also available in Arabic.