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IN THE MEDIA – Vincenza Nazzari, Equitas Director of Education, “making the world a better place”

Making the world a better place Meet five Concordians doing good in the world By Sue Montgomery, Concordia Magazine, Winter 2016 (Original article published in Concordia Magazine here: bit.ly/1Oxk0j5) Excerpt (…) Leader in human rights education Vincenza Nazzari Vincenza Nazzari says she brings to Equitas a love for education and organization acquired from Concordia’s master’s […]

Deterring child marriage with peer-to-peer human rights education

Deep within the stone housed communities of Sana’a, an ancient city that has been inhabited for over 2,500 years, many young girls are faced with harrowing fates. Their lives as young teens and students are cut short as they are forced into a union that will completely shift their reality. According to UNICEF, 12% of […]

VIDEO – 4 things Montrealers can do to #welcomerefugees, with CTV’s Caroline Van Vlaardingen and Ala’a Jarban

Watch CTV Montreal’s Caroline Van Vlaardingen and our guest speaker for the upcoming 10th Montreal Gala for human rights, Ala’a Jarban, Equitas alumnus, refugee and human rights activist from Yemen working on social justice and LGBTQI issues (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex.) 4 things Montrealers can do to welcome refugees #refugeeswelcome #MTL w/ @CarolineVanVCTV and […]

Press Release – Right(s) Before Your Eyes: Equitas 10th Montreal Gala for Human Rights

Montreal, January 25th, 2016 – On February 11, 2016, Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education will host its annual gala in support of its work empowering children, youth and women to be positive agents of change in their communities through education and leadership training. The event will take place at the Rialto Theatre, 5723 […]

Citizen engagement and human rights in Haiti – An interview with Amber Lynn Munger

” Equitas came to Haiti after the earthquake, working with human rights organizations and asked them, “what does Haiti need to rise up, to recover from the earthquake” and the human rights organizations’ response was, “it’s not new buildings which are going to change the situation, it’s Haitians who are becoming engaged in changing their […]

Deterring child marriage with peer-to-peer human rights education

Deep within the stone housed communities of Sana’a, an ancient city that has been inhabited for over 2,500 years, many young girls are faced with harrowing fates. Their lives as young teens and students are cut short as they are forced into a union that will completely shift their reality. According to UNICEF, 12% of […]

People Having an Impact

In the time it takes you to read our campaign letter, you can make a difference in the lives of people whose human rights are not being respected. We just voted in a federal election, exercising a right we consider fundamental. Of those who voted, however, some might remember a time when half of us […]

Promoting Religious Harmony in Sri Lanka

“Religion shouldn’t be a weapon to destroy human rights and the values in society.” This is an essential belief held by young Buddhist Monk, Venerable Weliwitiya Dhamminda. Respect for religious freedom supports a healthy and cohesive society that is open to accepting a culture of human rights.  This is the basis of Equitas’ project in […]

Empowering youth: giving a voice to our future

Equitas alumnae have vision of strong, active, influential up-and-coming generation in the Middle-East and North Africa.   Youth are the future of our global society. They are often looked to as those who will build a better tomorrow. It takes the right tools to build something new, and this cannot be fulfilled if those bestowed […]