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YWCA Young Feminists: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Growing the Feminist Movement

  By leading Community Action Projects (CAPs) in their communities all over the country, youth and young adults undertake actions that support respect for human rights.  Youth are given the opportunity to identify pressing issues in their communities and then, with Equitas’ support, launch projects and participatory activities to tackle these issues and contribute to [...]

Meet Nadjet

Nadjet Bouda stands in front of a room of passionate, powerful, and vocal youth activists. She has organized and is helping to facilitate a workshop on how to apply a human rights based approach, something she has done dozens of times for different human rights and development organizations around the world. But this time is […]

How the IHRTP Has Influenced Human Rights Educators in India

For Dr. Anantharamakrishnan Senthivel and Maria Soosai, human rights education is a key tool for social change in India. Both human rights educators participated in Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) in 2014 and 2007, respectively, and used the knowledge and experience they gained to build on and strengthen their human rights work. The […]

Publication of “Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities: Workshop Guide”

Equitas has a new publication available to assist your human rights education and training work! Jointly published with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities: Workshop Guide supports the design and delivery of a two-and-a-half-day workshop aimed at strengthening the capacity of human rights trainers to conduct effective evaluation […]

Addressing Anti-Racism

Human Rights Education as a Tool for Racial Justice  In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be antiracist. – Angela Davis  Like you, we at Equitas have been reflecting on the increased visibility of anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism and police violence. The many tragic events and the protests taking place […]

Support Equitas through Scotia Bank’s Virtual Race!

  Are you up for a challenge and want to support human rights during this global crisis? Register for Scotiabank’s Virtual Run and raise funds for Equitas and human right education When? Anytime! The Virtual Run will take place before August 31, 2020, giving you the flexibility to choose the date and time that suits […]

Protecting Youth Rights in a Pandemic – A space for learning, awareness, and support – Workshop

This virtual workshop, as a part of our Canadian Programs, will be centered around four main topics: Knowing your rights Employment and Financial Resources Violence Discrimination & Racism The objectives of this workshop are to: Share experiences and resources of youth rights compromised during COVID Highlight importance of youth rights awareness during rapidly changing landscape […]

Operation #24 hrs to act!

Our 2017-2020 initiative: Rawabet – Techonological Bridges for Citizen Engagement  Rawabet means “Connections” in  Arabic. This initiative empowers youth, women and marginalized groups – in particular persons living with disabilities – to thrive in the digital era and use new technologies to promote social and economic rights in Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco. Read this article […]

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia in times of pandemic: Equitas sounds the alarm

Every year, May 17 is an opportunity to highlight human rights violations suffered by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people. The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in Canada and around the world, and LGBTQI communities are no exception. Lockdowns and social distancing legislation, while essential to public […]

COVID-19 in Haiti – Dire Need to Protect the Rights of LGBTQI Communities

  Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Kouraj—an organization at the forefront of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) rights in Haiti and an Equitas partner since 2010—has observed a marked increase in human rights violations towards LGBTQI individuals. Homophobic violence is becoming increasingly common. LGBTQI individuals are being publicly harassed or assaulted by […]