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Youth Rights in a Pandemic

Activities and ressources for exploring youth rights in a rapidly changing landscape. Also available in French.

Équitable ou inéquitable?

This activity aims to think about what fairness is and identify things we can do to make sure all young people are treated fairly. Also available in English.

What is Fair?

This activity aims to think about what fairness is and identify things we can do to make sure all young people are treated fairly. Also available in French.

PIFDH: Manuel de la participante/du participant

A training manual about the design, development, and delivery of HRE activities using a human rights-based approach.  This edition provides additional instructions and guidelines for participants of the 2019 IHRTP. Also available in English.

PIFDH: Manuel de l’animatrice-teur

A training manual about the design, development, and delivery of HRE activities using a human rights-based approach.  This edition provides additional instructions and guidelines for facilitators of the 2019 IHRTP. Also available in English.

IHRTP: Participant’s Manual

A training manual about the design, development, and delivery of HRE activities using a human rights-based approach.  This edition provides additional instructions and guidelines for participants of the 2019 IHRTP. Also available in French.

National Child Day: Tree of Children’s Rights

This activity was created to celebrate National Child Day and support children in learning more about their rights and about the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Also available in French.