What We’ve Learned about Awareness Campaigns for the Rights of the LGBTQI Community Published in 2021 This reference material includes 5 lessons learned and good practices about awareness campaigns for the rights of the LGBTQI community. Also available in French.
Quatre principes pour promouvoir l’inclusion des personnes vivant avec un handicap Published in 2021 A report detailing 4 principles for promoting the inclusion of people living with disabilities. Also available in English.
Four Principles for Promoting the Inclusion of People Living with Disabilities Published in 2021 A report detailing 4 principles for promoting the inclusion of people living with disabilities. Also available in French.
Encuentro Latinoamericano de Participantes al Programa Internacional de Capacitación en Derechos Humanos: Manual Published in 2021
Formation pour les formatrices-teurs en droits de la personne Livre 1: Manuel de l’animatrice-teur Published in 2021
A Five-Step Process to Designing an Evaluation in Human Rights Education Published in 2020 This reference material details the process to design and evaluate human rights education work.
Gauging Children’s Participation through Participation Published in 2020 This reference material is a tool that consists of a series of activities used to gather information, from children themselves, about their participation in their community.
Youth Rights in a Pandemic Published in 2020 Activities and ressources for exploring youth rights in a rapidly changing landscape. Also available in French.
What is Fair? Published in 2020 This activity aims to think about what fairness is and identify things we can do to make sure all young people are treated fairly. Also available in French.