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Jean-Sébastien Vallée | Director of Education and communications

JValle[at] 666 Sherbrooke Ouest - Suite 1100 Montréal, Québec, H3A 1E7 Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) land. Jean-Sébastien has worked for the past 15 years in the fields of education, copyright and human rights. He is and now Director of Education at Equitas since December 2020 and accepted in [...]

Marie-Pierre Arseneault | Senior Program Officer, West Africa

mparseneault[at] (514) 954-0382, ext 239 666 Sherbrooke Ouest - Suite 1100 Montréal, Québec, H3A 1E7 Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) land. Marie-Pierre joined Equitas in 2014 as IHRTP coordinator. Prior to joining Equitas, she worked in different universities and research centers in Bangladesh. She worked on topics related to forced [...]

Nadjet Bouda | Program Manager, Middle East & North Africa

nbouda[at] (514) 954-0382, poste 274 666 Sherbrooke Ouest - Suite 1100 Montréal, Québec, H3A 1E7 Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) land. Nadjet joined the Equitas team in 2014 and she is responsible of the programs in the Middle East and North Africa. She arrived to Equitas with experience in community and international [...]

Chris Bradley | Senior Program Officer, East Africa

cbradley[at] (514)954-0382 ext 222 666 Sherbrooke West – Suite 1100 Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1E7 Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) land. Chris joined the Equitas team in March 2005 and was responsible for the smooth delivery of the International Human Rights Training Program - IHRTP, for many years. He now manages [...]

Ariane Duplessis | Program Officer, Haiti-Guinea

aduplessis[at] (514)954-0382, poste 249 666 Sherbrooke West – Suite 1100 Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1E7 Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) land. Ariane (she/her) is Program Officer on the FanM Leaders pour l'égalité project, implemented in Haiti. She previously worked as a Program Officer for West Africa and on the International [...]

Julie Kon Kam King | Director of Canadian Programs

Julie Kon Kam King | Director of Canadian Programs (514) 954-0382, ext. 233 666 Sherbrooke West – Suite 1100 Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1E7     Julie joined Equitas in 2009. In her current role as Director of Canadian Programs, she takes the lead in developing funding and partnership relationships, and provides strategic direction for Equitas’ national […]

Laura Martinez Lung | Senior Program Officer, East Africa

Lmartinezlung[at] (514) 954-0382, ext 278 666 Sherbrooke Ouest - Suite 1100 Montréal, Québec, H3A 1E7 Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) land. Laura joined the Equitas team in 2014 as Program Officer and was appointed Senior Program Officer, East Africa in 2022. She is responsible for the development, implementation and [...]

Ruth Morrison | Senior Program Officer, Canada

Ruth Morrison | Senior Program Officer, Canada (514) 954-0382, ext. 243 666 Sherbrooke West – Suite 1100 Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1E7     Ruth joined Equitas in 2011 as Program Officer, Canada. She supports more equitable and inclusive communities nationally through the coordination and implementation of programs in Canada; including Young Women, Young Leaders, Play it […]

Élise Voyer | Director, ACTIF

evoyer[at] (514) 954-0382, ext 231 666 Sherbrooke West - Suite 1100 Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1E7 Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien'kehá:ka (Mohawk) land. Élise has a degree in International Law and International Relations with a specialization in International Human Rights Law. She has been working for Equitas since 2007. After having coordinated the IHRTP [...]