Participation des jeunes à la vie communautaire: réalisation de projets de droits humains au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord – Leçons apprises et bonnes pratiques Published in 2016 This compendium is one of the main tools developed within the framework of the Mosharka project and presents lessons learned and good practices for youth engagement in human rights. Also available in English.
Youth Participating in Community Life: Implementing Human Rights Projects in the Middle East and North Africa – Lessons Learned and Good Practices Published in 2016 This compendium is one of the main tools developed within the framework of the Mosharka project and presents lessons learned and good practices for youth engagement in human rights. Also available in French.
36th Annual IHRTP: Facilitator’s Manual Published in 2015 A training manual about the design, development, and delivery of HRE activities using a human rights-based approach. This edition provides additional instructions and guidelines for facilitators of the 2015 IHRTP.
36th Annual IHRTP: Participant’s Manual Published in 2015 A training manual about the design, development, and delivery of HRE activities using a human rights-based approach. This edition provides additional instructions and guidelines for participants of the 2015 IHRTP.
Promoting Religious Harmony in Sri Lanka: Capacity Building Workshop 2 Published in 2015 A workshop manual to integrate a human rights-based approach and gender perspective in community actions that promote religious harmony in Sri Lanka. Workshop 2 of 2.
Integrating HRBA and Equitable Partnerships into Development Programming: Operationalizing the Istanbul Principles Published in 2014 A user guide to help facilitators lead participatory workshops to provide development practitioners with tools for integrating a human rights-based approach and equitable partnerships into the projects of their organizations. Facilitators use this guide to prepare to conduct the workshop and participants use this guide as a reference manual during and after the workshop.
Promoting Religious Harmony in Sri Lanka: Capacity Building Workshop 1 Published in 2014 A workshop manual to analyze issues related to religious diversity, plan and develop community-level workshops and dialogues to promote religious harmony in Sri Lanka. Workshop 1 of 2.
Approche fondée sur les droits de la personne et partenariats équitables: Mise en pratique des principes d’Istanbul aux programmes de développement Published in 2014 This practical guide is intended for facilitators of participatory workshops and is a reference manual for participants.
On ne joue pas avec les droits: Guide de l’utilisateur: Un guide pratique pour intégrer On ne joue pas avec les droits dans vos programmes destinés aux enfants Published in 2013 A user guide to help organizations working with children ages 6-12 with instructions on integrating Play it Fair! and a human rights-based approach into their existing programs to promote children’s rights. Also available in English.
Play It Fair! User Guide: A how-to guide for integrating Play It Fair! into your programs for children Published in 2013 A user guide to help organizations working with children ages 6-12 with instructions on integrating Play it Fair! and a human rights-based approach into their existing programs to promote children’s rights. Also available in French.