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Gender Equality: Challenges and Strategies

This reference material identifies challenges related to gender equality faced by human rights educators and strategies to promote gender equality and women’s rights. Also available in French.

L’égalité de genre: défis et stratégies

This reference material identifies challenges related to gender equality faced by human rights educators and strategies to promote gender equality and women’s rights. Also available in English.

Visualise-le! métaphores

Dans cette activité, les participants-es créent des métaphores visuelles. L’objectif est d’amener les participants-e-s à identifier et partager des changements personnels vécus ou quelque chose qu’ils-elles sont fiers-es d’avoir accompli.

Picture It! metaphors

In this activity, participants create visual metaphors. The objective is to have participants identify and share personal changes they have experienced or something they are proud of having achieved.

East Africa Human Rights Program: Facilitator’s Manual

A workshop manual human rights organizations and institutions in East Africa to develop and deliver training activities focusing on nurturing a global culture of human rights. This manual provides additional guidelines for facilitators of the workshop.

East Africa Human Rights Program: Participant’s Manual

A workshop manual human rights organizations and institutions in East Africa to develop and deliver training activities focusing on nurturing a global culture of human rights. This manual provides additional guidelines for participants of the workshop.

IHRTP: Facilitator’s Manual

A training manual about the design, development, and delivery of HRE activities using a human rights-based approach. This edition provides additional instructions and guidelines for facilitators of the 2016 IHRTP. Also available in French.