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Advancing Equality Equitas works for gender equality in Haiti by using human rights education to empower women and gender non-conforming people Learn more Young Leaders for Equality Equitas and its partners aim to create a social and political environment conducive to the respect for diversity and the protection and promotion of the rights of LGBTI [...]


Women, children, youth and ethnic minorities have disproportionately suffered human rights violations in the last 50 years of conflict. Our work in Colombia focuses on promoting respect for human rights and equipping communities, including women, children and youth, to engage in peace building and reconciliation.
The peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC in November 2016 presents an opportunity to advance human rights and democratic practices in Colombia. Equitas is convinced that human rights and citizenship education programs can contribute to the sustainable transformation of Colombian communities into more peaceful and inclusive ones by promoting and forging attitudes, [...]

Latin America, Haiti and the Caribbean

Colombia Women, children, youth and ethnic minorities have disproportionately suffered human rights violations in the last 50 years of conflict. Our work in Colombia focuses on promoting respect for human rights and equipping communities, including women, children and youth, to engage in the peace process. Learn more Haiti With our partners in Haiti, Equitas focuses [...]

East Africa Human Rights Program

The East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) is a regional training program which provides a unique opportunity for human rights workers, defenders, activists and educators from civil society organizations, institutions and government agencies, to deepen their understanding of human rights and the essential role of human rights education in effecting and sustaining social change. Developed [...]


Advancing Equality Through Human Rights Education in Tanzania The situation today In Tanzania, many efforts are being made to protect people’s basic human rights. Yet inequalities exist, especially for women and girls. Examples of current challenges include: Sexual violence against women and children remains prevalent Pregnant girls and young mothers are often denied an education [...]


Kenya Equality in decision-making is essential to the empowerment of women. Our work in Kenya focuses on increasing women’s participation in local decision-making structures. Learn more Tanzania Violence against women is a major barrier to their participation in decision-making. Our work in Tanzania focuses on promoting inclusion and equipping communities to address gender-based violence in [...]

Sri Lanka

The election of a new Government in Sri Lanka in January 2015 that had campaigned on a platform of national reconciliation and unity has significantly decreased the number of incidents of religious violence. The new Government has also allowed much greater space for dialogue and new initiatives from government and civil society organizations to promote [...]

How to Donate?

What difference will your contribution make? In a world where violence against children still occurs, In a world where so many women do not have the same rights as men, In a world where harmful traditions endure, In a world where discrimination based on ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation persists, In a world where all [...]

Put the World to Rights

Free online course on human rights – Put the World to Rights About the course Equitas launches annually an online course in English, French and Arabic. This course will introduce you to human rights and help you identify ways to take action to protect and promote human rights in your everyday life. Through this free [...]

Find a tool, take action

July 15, 2020: Publication of "Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities: Workshop Guide" Equitas has a new publication available to assist your human rights education and training work! Jointly published with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Evaluating Human Rights Training Activities: Workshop Guide supports the design and delivery of a two-and-a-half-day workshop aimed [...]