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Youth Leadership During the Pandemic

Youth have often been the source of change in our communities, both before and during the pandemic. However, there are few spaces of power and decision-making where our voices can be heard. This year, Equitas' annual #EquiTalks events will center on the theme of "Youth, Power and the Pandemic" with Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General's [...]

EquiTalks – Building Connected Communities: Youth, Power and the Pandemic

Equitas is pleased to invite you to an inspiring panel discussion with Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth on Tuesday, April 27, from 11 AM to 1 PM EST. Featuring panelists who are promoting and protecting the rights of youth, these talks will focus on how young people from all over the world are redefining social justice.  *Our panelists [...]

ACTIF Call for Proposals Orientation Webinar

  Orientation Webinars Equitas held orientation webinars for the Act Together for Inclusion Fund (ACTIF) call for proposals on February 25, 2021 at 12 p.m. EST in English and February 26, 2021 at 12 p.m. EST in French. The first call for proposals for the Act Together for Inclusion Fund is now open. The first step of this call is a request for Organizational Profiles to ensure organizations are [...]

Support Equitas through Scotia Bank’s Virtual Race 2021!

Registration for the race is now closed. If you want to support Equitas, you can donate to the team page here. Are you up for a challenge and want to support human rights during this global crisis? Register for Scotiabank's Virtual Run and raise funds for Equitas and human right education When? Anytime! The Virtual [...]

Defending the rights of people living with disabilities and women working in the agricultural sector in Tunisia

Since 2018, young Tunisians from Equitas’ Rawabet program have carried out a number of initiatives. In collaboration with our partner in Tunisia, the Centre Tunisien-Méditerranéen (TU-MED), and thanks to the financial support of Global Affairs Canada, several community action projects have been carried out in support of the rights of women working in the agricultural sector in Siliana to have access to social security coverage and for the right of access to employment […]

Equitas helps develop recommendations for Canada’s new feminist foreign policy

In October 2020, Global Affairs Canada opened the conversation to develop Canada’s new feminist foreign policy, following the same direction as Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy released in 2017. It that context, a working group was formed with members of different organizations, including Equitas, as specialists in human rights education. The mandate of this group […]

Omar Morad: Building community engagement for refugee, newcomer, and established Canadian youth in New Brunswick

In 2018 and at 21 years of age, Omar Morad arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick. Before this move, he lived in Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon where he escaped war, violence, and economic hardship. Once he felt settled, Omar was happy and felt “safe.” These feelings impelled him to become active in his community and contribute meaningfully.   Omar has become much more than […]

Confronting Patriarchy and Advocating for the Rights of Muslim Women in Uganda

Mwanga Mastullaah Ashah, Executive Director and Founder of Islamic Women’s Initiative for Justice, Law & Peace (IWILAP), is fighting tirelessly for the rights of Muslim women and to improve access to justice for the most vulnerable populations in Uganda. IWILAP works to confront the patriarchal laws and cultural traditions that disadvantage women in order to build a just and equitable society where [...]

Empowered Women Leading Change in Kenya: How Equitas’ partner organization WEL is Advancing Women’s Rights

At the forefront of the fight for gender equality and women’s empowerment in Nairobi, Kenya is Virginia Nduta, Executive Director of Women’s Empowerment Link (WEL). WEL is one of the implementing partners of the Advancing Equality through Human Rights Education in partnership with Equitas – a project that strives to increase women’s participation in local decision-making structures based on the [...]

The Youth of Rawabet in Jordan: The Story of a Transformative Journey

The Rawabet Initiative in Jordan is the story of 30 young women and men working with an unparalleled passion and a powerful belief in the value and dignity of human beings. They decided to exercise their freedom of choice, and in doing so, to touch the lives of more than 1,500 people in their local community.  On October 28, 2020, a national forum was held online [...]