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Play it Fair! Training in Tunisia

May 22, 2015 Equitas staff have just wrapped up a 3-day training session on the use of the Play it Fair! toolkit in Tunis. During the 3-day session, organized in partnership with AFTURD (Association des femmes Tunisiennes pour la Recherche sur le Développement), 23 youth leaders explored human rights values identified in the Play It […]

Important Information for 2015 IHRTP Participants

36th annual International Human Rights Training Program, June 7 – June 26, 2015 Important information for those attending the 2015 International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) IHRTP – schedule and activities What to pack for the IHRTP Information about John-Abbott College Information about Montreal

Equitas receives Youth R.E.A.C.H. Award

Last Thursday, May 7, Equitas was honoured with the Tri-City Youth R.E.A.C.H. Award for its outstanding contribution to the youth communities of Port Coquitlam, Port Moody and Coquitlam in British-Columbia. Equitas was nominated by the City of Port Coquitlam Recreation and Culture staff, with whom it worked very closely at the Tri-Cities Kids Conference in […]

Equitas is back in Colombia!

April 28, 2015 The Equitas Colombia team is currently working with two local community- based organizations, Plataforma Social Usme and Fundacion La Diaspora, to conduct a baseline study to reference the current human rights situation   in the communities. The activities are taking place in the communities of Usme in Bogota and Suacha in Cundinamarca from […]

Youth are leading positive change in their community

April 1, 2015 Equitas is happy to announce some great news for our Speaking Rights programs and youth leaders. Seventeen bursaries valued at $500 each have been granted to support youth organizations and youth aged 13-17 in the realization of youth-led community projects. The bursaries have been granted to different groups across the country, including […]

World social forum: Equitas promotes youth participation in Tunisia

26 mars 2015 About 20 young members of Equitas’ EU funded Mosharka project in Tunisia, participated at the World Social Forum this week in Tunis. In cooperation with the Association des Femmes tunisiennes pour la Recherche sur le Développement, the young members hosted a workshop titled Socioeconomic rights of youth for a better social integration. […]

IHRTP 2015: the countdown is on!

March 23, 2015 The countdown to the 36th edition of Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is well underway. We are happy to announce that our participants, as well as facilitators and co-facilitators have been selected! With about 600 applications from 80 countries, there were a lot of difficult decisions to make. The 2015 […]

Equitas at the educational symposium of teachers of Montreal

March 19, 2015 How can we get children and youth to integrate human rights values like respect, inclusion, and acceptance in their everyday behaviors and attitudes? Jean-Sébastien Vallée, an education specialist at Equitas, and Ruth Morrisson, program officer at Equitas, are aiming to provide an answer to this tricky question at the Educational Symposium of […]

In Tanzania, community members use their voice to fight exclusion and violence

March 16, 2005 Today, 185 men, women and children of all ages gathered in the community of Biriri, located at the foot of Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania. They came together to hear the results of the baseline study that Equitas, in partnership with Tusonge and community leaders, facilitated in three communities in the region over the […]

Fighting violence to promote youth participation in Senegal

March 9, 2015 More than 100 youth, community leaders, and representatives of local authority shared their experiences and offered recommendations during a community forum which took place in Thiès, Senegal on February 25. The forum‘s theme was the fight against violence in the community. The participants welcomed the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences, […]