For 50 years, Equitas has promoted human rights education as powerful a tool for social change, inclusion and respect. Meet 4 inspiring Canadian changemakers working with children and youth across Canada to help them build welcoming and inclusive communities, free of discrimination and bullying.

These inspiring individuals are part of Equitas broad Canadian network of partners (more than 300!). With human rights-based youth programs like Play it Fair!, Speaking Rights, and Young Women, Young Leaders, these educators contribute to youth’s sense of belonging, self-esteem, and offer tools for participation and peaceful conflict resolution.
These stories are part of the series We are human rights changemakers to celebrate Equitas’ 50th anniversary.
All through 2017, discover stories of 50 inspiring human rights changemakers who have changed lives around the world through human rights education with Equitas’ support. #Equitas50

Teaching Human Rights to Kids in Vancouver’s Community Centres
Tom Higashio – Vancouver
“Children’s rights — or lack of — affect everyone. I knew I wanted to find ways of reinforcing the positive values and fundamental principles of human dignity that allow all youth to be the best they can be”

Advocating for Children’s Rights in Foster Care in Winnipeg
Marie Christian – Winnipeg
“Any child who doesn’t know their rights and how to speak up for themselves is a child at risk.”

Amplifying the Voices of Young Refugees in Toronto
Philip Ackerman – Toronto
“Youth have a lot of rules in the refugee camp or living situation. They have rules depending upon their status. To give them freedom just to be without strict policies or guidelines, that’s probably one of the core reasons the group is so successful.”

Celebrating the Right to Be Different Among Youth in Montreal, Canada
Darley Polony – Montreal
“When you’re dealing with Equitas, it brings it out of you that it’s okay to say… yes, I’m not from here; Canada is my adopted country, and I am a proud immigrant. Being different is just a beautiful thing.”