Human Rights Education Curbs Polarization: MAKE A DONATION TODAY!
L'éducation aux droits humains freine la polarisation : FAITES UN DON AUJOURD’HUI!
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How to Donate?

Donate today to support our programs in human rights education!

What difference will your contribution make?

  • In a world where violence against children still occurs,
  • In a world where so many women do not have the same rights as men,
  • In a world where harmful traditions endure,
  • In a world where discrimination based on ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation persists,
  • In a world where all are not free to choose their own destiny…

We believe that much work is to be done to build a more just and hate-free world for all people.

Positive and lasting social change comes through education.

Sharing and cultivating human rights values, such as those of inclusion, respect for diversity and non-discrimination, empowers individuals and groups to understand their rights, claim them and spread the knowledge they have acquired, hence acting as agents of change in their communities.

You too can make a difference and be an agent of change by helping Equitas
with its mission of human rights education.


We must never cease to believe in each other’s humanity. Join us in creating spaces for dialogue and defending human rights by donating to Equitas.

Equitas has partnered with Montreal-based designer and certified B Corporation Frank And Oak to promote gender equality for more inclusive communities.

Equitas has partnered with Montreal-based designer and certified B Corporation Frank And Oak to support youth-led initiatives to prevent child marriage.


Monthly donations have a bigger impact and are more sustainable. Become a monthly donor and start making a bigger impact today!

Express your support, respect, gratitude, or love with a gift that helps people around the world access the tools they need to build a better future.

Making a meaningful gift is easier than you think.
A gift in your will or trust, can continue to help us beyond your lifetime.


Why not donate a portion of your proceeds to Equitas? Whether it’s contributing a portion of the profits of a line of clothing, or of a ticketed event, each dollar you raise will support human rights education in Canada and around the world.  

Our values are Openness, Innovation, Integrity, Fairness, and Cooperation.
If these words resonate with your organization’s values, encourage our mission by donating.


Take part in our events by buying tickets or sponsoring: your participation will support human rights education in Canada and around the world.

You can support our mission and make an impact by giving your time : become an intern, volunteer or look for career options!

Get in touch today

Contact Kate Monaghan :

By email : kmonaghan@equitas.org

By phone: 514-954-0382

Donation policy

Equitas subscribes to the Canadian Council for International Cooperation’s Code of Ethics.

Read our Donation Policy here