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Send a Play it Fair! postcard to the Prime minister of Canada

November 13, 2014

Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by sending a postcard to Parliament! Article 12 of the CRC states that all children have the right to express themselves and be heard.

The postcards are pre-addressed to the Prime Minster of Canada–postage is free!

Purpose of the postcard

  • To promote children’s participation by encouraging them to share their ideas with decision makers
  • To promote positive values such as inclusion, respect for diversity, responsibility and cooperation

How to use the postcard

  1. Download the Play it Fair! Toolkit.
  2. Play the game “Draw it Right” (activity 45) with the children before starting the postcard activity to teach them about their rights.
  3. After the discussion, hand out the postcards and ask the children to read what is written on the postcard.
  4. Tell the children that they can always write to any member of the Canadian Parliament to share their ideas, and there is no cost to mail their letter! Remind the children that their ideas are important and that adults, including elected representatives and national decision makers, should listen and take their ideas seriously.
    Children may also choose to share their card with an adult who is important to them personally (family, friend, teacher, coach, etc).
  5. Provide children with markers or crayons and ask them to draw or write what children’s rights mean to them.
  6. The postcards are pre-addressed to the Prime Minister of Canada–postage is free! Children may choose to replace the name of the Prime Minister of Canada on the postcard with the name of their local Member of Parliament in order to share their ideas about children’s rights with other national decision makers. Click here to help children learn how to find the name of their local MP.
  7. Children may also choose to share their card with an adult who is important to them personally (family, friend, teacher, coach, etc). Note: Stamps are required if a child decides to send the postcard to a family member, friend or teacher.

Note: We love when you share children’s work! Consider taking close-up photos or videos of the children’s postcards and emailing them to Equitas ( You can also post them on Equitas – Children and Youth Facebook page. We will share them to inspire other Play it Fair! partners.

How to order the postcards

Postcards are available free of charge (quantities are limited). Please contact or download a postcard directly from this website.

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