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Security measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

Following the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by the governments of Quebec and Canada, Equitas has implemented a series of measures to ensure the safety of its team and its partners. The safety of our staff and our partners being a priority, we have decided to close the Montreal and Vancouver offices for an indefinite period, hoping to limit potential exposure to COVID19 and contributing to the spread of the virus. 

Equitas has not stopped working though; the entire team has access to technologies that enable working remotely. Our partners can contact us at any time and all efforts are being put in place to continue the current projects as possible. 

Please note that: 

  • The Montreal and Vancouver offices are closed for an indefinite period  
  • Equitas has set up a COVID-19 Committee to monitor the progress of the pandemic and adapt the measures in place  
  • All events are postponed, both in Canada and abroad  
  • All activities or meetings are to be held online or postponed  
  • All staff travel (international or national) before April 30 is postponed  
  • All the staff who were on field visits have returned to Canada and are in isolation for 14 days  
  • Equitas is facilitating remote working for its employees and regularly communicates prevention measures recommended by the Quebec and Canadian governments with them 

The situation is evolving quickly and Equitas will continue to closely follow the notices of the governments of Quebec and Canada to adapt its decisions according to their directives, as well as by the governments of the countries where we work. For additional information, you can contact us at info@equitas.org.