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Fyneface Dumnamene’s ‘Fynefaceism’: The Fight Against Injustices

Fyneface Dumnamene has been working in the human rights field for over 10 years. Growing up in the Kabangha community in Ogoni, of Rivers State, Nigeria, Fyneface witnessed both human rights injustices and human rights action. Joining Global Rights Connection – Equitas’ newest online human rights training program – was an opportunity Fyneface was motivated [...]

Miguel Romero’s journey: Promoting higher education in Colombia

Hailing from Valle del Cauca in Colombia, Miguel Romero is an eager participant of Global Rights Connection, Equitas’ new online human rights train program. He joined the program to bring a more global perspective to his work at Kids Lives Matter, an initiative that is funded by the University of Houston. While on a scholarship [...]

Together, we can create a better world: Women’s leadership here and abroad

Ever since the pandemic began over a year and a half ago, more and more consideration has been given to the ways it has exacerbated social inequalities. Like all crises, whether related to health, climate or the economy, marginalized groups bear the brunt of their impacts, including women. Cases of intimate partner violence have risen [...]

BC Youth Dialogue Series on Social Justice

How can we make British Columbia (BC)'s education system more racially just for all? We want to hear your amazing ideas, suggestions and opinions! You will join Equitas and the Honorable Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education for British Columbia, in dialogue to share your input or lived experiences of race, racism and racial justice in BC’s school (education) system.  Equitas is [...]

Equitas is delighted to announce that we’re partnering up with Aeroplan!

The Aeroplan campaign has ended on October 4 with more than 500 000 points donated by 11 Equitas supporters! Aeroplan will therefore match all points donated, collecting up to 1 million points for Equitas. Thank you to all supporters of Equitas! Your support helps us raise more awareness on the need for human rights education: [...]

ScotiaBank Virtual Race – Over 350 km for human rights education!

After more than a year of working from home, Equitas was thrilled to offer an opportunity to staff and supporters to participate in a team-building activity that encouraged physical well-being, all while raising funds for human rights education as a team. For this year’s ScotiaBank race, we were privileged to count not only on 21 [...]

How Marie Marthe Nicholas is Working to End Impunity for Human Rights Violations in Haiti

Marie Marthe Nicholas, an alumna from Equitas’ 2019 International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) and lawyer for Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC) in Port-au-Prince Haiti as part of the Accès à la justice et lutte contre l’impunité en Haïti (Access to Justice and the Fight Against Impunity) project, is using strategic litigation and human rights education to fight against impunity, promote human rights and increase access to justice in Haiti. Marie Marthe became more conscient of rampant human rights [...]

EquiTalks 2021 – Showcasing the Powerful Voices of Youth

On April 27, more than 200 participants from nearly 40 different countries attended the virtual EquiTalks to listen to Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Secretary-General's Envoy for Youth, along with young panelists, discuss the important issues youth are facing   during the pandemic and how they are redefining social justice. Moderated by Elyette Levy, a freelance journalist, [...]