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Civic participation in Haiti

March 3, 2015 In Haiti, thirty people from the communities of Gressier, La Victoire and Thomassique participated in an inter-community Forum on civic participation. The event, organised by Equitas partners in Haiti took place on February 28 and March 1 in Hinche. Participants discussed engaged citizenship and shared their experiences in this matter. They also […]

Equitas mourns the loss of a great human rights defender

February 17, 2015 Equitas was saddened to learn of the passing on February 9, 2015 of Max Yalden. Max was a member of Equitas’ Honorary Board and the father of Equitas’ Past-President Rob Yalden. Max Yalden was a distinguished Canadian who made many important contributions to human rights in Canada and abroad. He was the […]

Equitas proud to have taken part in the development of Canada’s Civil Society Partnership Policy

February 9, 2015 Equitas is proud to have contributed to the development of the new International Development and Humanitarian Assistance Civil Society Partnership Policy that was released by the Minister for International Development and La Francophonie, the Honourable Christian Paradis. This policy highlights Canada’s resolve to work with civil society to promote democracy and human […]

We can #DoBetter2015 for the participation of children and youth

February 5, 2015 Equitas works to improve communities through sustainable and effective human rights education programs. As members of the Canadian Council for International Co-operation, we support the #DoBetter2015 movement. If we work together, we believe Canadians can bring about important changes that will address the challenges of inequality and human rights; climate change; and […]

Speaking Rights… with a new team in 2015!

February 2, 2015 Equitas recently hosted the youth workers who will be spearheading the 2015 Speaking Rights youth projects. Ten of them came to Equitas’ office to present their projects, discuss the challenges ahead and share their passion for human rights education! The event was also an opportunity for them to get to know about […]

A Place for Everyone with Play it Fair!

January 28, 2015 Today Bell is creating a discussion about something that is often kept under wraps. Mental illness is stigmatized in our society, despite the prevalence of anxiety disorders and depression. According to the Canadian Institute of Health Research, 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a form of mental illness at one point in […]

EQUITAS IN TORONTO – Alaa Murabit on Identity, Mobility and Human Rights Education in a Changing World

On December 9th, 2015 Equitas hosted an event with the young and dynamic women’s rights advocate, Libyan-Canadian Alaa Murabit and CTV’s Lloyd Robertson, on the theme of “Identity and Mobility: Human Rights Education in a Changing World“. Organized by Equitas and hosted by TD Bank Group, this cocktail-event was an opportunity to meet one of the world’s leading voices […]

Equitas deplores the attack at Charlie Hebdo

January 8, 2015 Equitas condemns the terrorist attack which took place in Paris on Wednesday targeting the French weekly newspaper, Charlie Hebdo. Twelve persons died in the shooting, including eight staff of the paper. Whether or not we agree with the editorial choices of this satirical publication, it is impossible to remain unmoved by such […]