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Renewing our collective commitment to future generations: building inclusive, equitable and safer communities – A message from our Chair of the Board of Directors and our Executive Director

The plight of millions of refugees and migrants shocked the world in 2015, and one question kept surfacing: what can we do to help in our communities? As we turned to our network of alumni, partners and friends for ideas and inspiration, they were unanimous in underlining the important need for human rights education to […]

Launch – New study and training on the prevention of torture in Francophone Africa

Prévention de la torture au sein de la Francophonie Lancement de l’étude de base “Portrait de la torture en Afrique francophone” et de la première Session régionale de formation aux droits humains d’Equitas dédiée à la prévention de la torture Equitas-Centre international d’éducation aux droits humains et ses partenaires lancent officiellement aujourd’hui le projet « Prévention […]

On November 20th, #PlayItFair with Equitas for National Child Day!

 National Child Day, celebrated annually on November 20th, is a day dedicated to promoting and safeguarding the rights of children and youth. Celebrated since 1993, National Child Day commemorates the adoption of: –       The Declaration of the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1959 –       The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) […]

Equitas at the U.N.

Hon. Stéphane Dion recognizes Equitas’ work advancing inclusion and respect for diversity. We’re very excited to share that Equitas was directly referenced by Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs at the United Nations as an example of Canada’s commitment to inclusion. The Hon. Stéphane Dion was giving his closing remarks at the High-Level Panel on Inclusion […]

A Human Rights approach to Canada’s International Assistance Policy – Equitas’ submission to the International Assistance Review

Equitas welcomes this International Assistance Review and opportunity to contribute insights gained from our experience and the work of our 5,000 partners and alumni on the ground. Our submission has been developed with the benefit of participation in a number of the formal consultations in recent months organized by the Government as well as the […]

Appel de Candidatures – Session de formation sur le Guide d’action Àndandoo

Thème : Pour une meilleure participation citoyenne des femmes et des filles au Sénégal Dakar, Sénégal, du 26 au 30 septembre 2016 La période de soumission des candidatures est maintenant terminée.   Cette formation de 5 jours vise à renforcer la capacité des participants-es pour l’utilisation du Guide d’action Andandoo. Le guide offre un processus détaillé, […]