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October 9, 2013: Application form for the 2014 International Human Rights Training Program now available

35th annual International Human Rights Training Program, June 8 – June 27, 2014 The application period for the 35th annual International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is now closed for international participants. We are still accepting applications from Canadian candidates until  March 28, 2014. We look forward to another inspiring three-week program and the opportunity to meet about 90 participants from around the world. Equitas offers annually this one of a kind training program in Montreal, Canada, that builds human rights knowledge and skills, attitudes and behaviours.  Participants from about 50 countries are equipped with innovative tools that enable them to enhance their action to defend and promote human rights and democratic values in their home contexts. The training takes place in a safe Canadian environment ensuring participants can openly express themselves in a non-threatening environment. “This training program is an important Canadian contribution to the spread of human rights and democratic principles around the world,” says Ian Hamilton, Executive Director of Equitas. “Through the IHRTP, participants gain greater confidence in their abilities as well as the skills and motivation to become effective human rights champions upon their return home”. If you wish to attend the 2014 IHRTP, find below information about the application process, the application form and the memorandum of agreement. Please note that the application form, the memorandum of agreement and the other supporting documents must be received BEFORE November 18, 2013. Information about the International Human Rights Training Program 2014 Application Form Memorandum of Agreement Concrete results achieved by IHRTP alumni:

  1. Senegal:  As a result of the integration of the participatory approach into human rights education initiatives, the Réseau africain pour le développement intégré (RADI) launched a community outreach and awareness raising campaign that led to the massive state registration of the residents of two suburbs of Dakar. This implied that they were finally able to exercise their rights to vote, attend school and access health and other services.
  2. Haiti:  Using the participatory approach, civil society organizations in Haïti are mobilizing and engaging communities in the camps to promote active citizenship and the integration of human rights into reconstruction efforts. This resulted in increased participation of women on one of the camp committees from 0 to 15 (out of 40), and the establishment of a committee to combat violence against women.
  3. Tanzania: An alumnus has used the participatory approach to empower local women in Moshi to reinforce economic justice and equality.  The women formed a lending circle using democratic principles to generate increased income and economic security.  They also used their new knowledge, skills and confidence to resolve issues around land inheritance in favour of women.

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