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November 24, 2011: Gala cocktail celebrates 5th anniversary of Play it Fair!

On November 24, 2011, over 200 people gathered at the Pointe-à-Callière Museum in Old Montreal for a Gala cocktail event to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Equitas’ Play it Fair! program. The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, the guest speaker at the event, shared her experience of visiting Equitas’ partners in Haiti and of seeing the Play it Fair! program in action. The youth she met had made the Play it Fair! program and its toolkit their own and were using it to meet the challenges of their lives in order to become effective agents of change in their communities. Madame Jean was introduced by Andrew Molson, the Honorary Chair of the event. Also present were Kathleen Weill, the Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities and Frantz Benjamin, city councillor for the St-Michel district. Both the Government of Quebec and the City of Montreal are long-time supporters and funders of the Play it Fair! program. Guests were also entertained by renowned Quebec singer Lynda Thalie. Equitas extends heartfelt thank to the lead sponsor of the cocktail, TD Bank Group as well as to all the other sponsors of the event: SNC Lavalin, The Brian Bronfman Family Foundation, AIMIA, CAE, Osler, Voyages Bangkok Tours, Borden Ladner Gervais, HKDP / Hill and Knowlton, MUSE Entertainment, Norton Rose OR Equitas would also like to thank those who donated their services or items for the silent auction: Alouettes de Montréal Bell Canadiens de Montréal Claudia’s Catering Service Délices de Dawn Hyatt Regency Montréal Impact de Montréal Michael Cooper Serres Edgewood Greenhouse Yves Rocher Thank you as well to all the members of the Equitas family who attended the fundraising cocktail and made it the most successful one yet.

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