On December 9th, 2015 Equitas hosted an event with the young and dynamic women’s rights advocate, Libyan-Canadian Alaa Murabit and CTV’s Lloyd Robertson, on the theme of “Identity and Mobility: Human Rights Education in a Changing World“.
Organized by Equitas and hosted by TD Bank Group, this cocktail-event was an opportunity to meet one of the world’s leading voices for women’s rights and one of Canada’s leading journalists. It also offered the chance to network with Equitas friends and partners from Toronto’s human rights and corporate communities on the eve of International Human Rights Day.

As Host and Chief Correspondent for CTV’s investigative news series, W5, Lloyd Robertson is still one of the most trusted faces in television news. He spent 35 years as Chief Anchor and Senior Editor of the country’s most-watched national newscast, CTV NATIONAL NEWS WITH LLOYD ROBERTSON. Alaa Murabit is an international voice for women’s rights. She will share her journey from Saskatoon to Libya and Muammar Ghadaffi’s ‘most wanted list’, to accomplished physician, advisor to the United Nations, and advocate for the active participation of Muslim women in their societies. More recently her work is addressing the plight of refugees fleeing their war-torn countries, focusing on immediate and long term effects of this crisis on women, girls and the family unit.