Play It Fair! User Guide: A how-to guide for integrating Play It Fair! into your programs for children Published in 2013 A user guide to help organizations working with children ages 6-12 with instructions on integrating Play it Fair! and a human rights-based approach into their existing programs to promote children’s rights. Also available in French.
Let’s Act Together for Change: Training of Trainers on Democratic Citizenship for Youth and Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Workshop Manual Published in 2012 A workshop manual for human rights educators in Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to promote democratic citizenship and gender equality. Also available in English.
Let’s Act Together for Change: Training of Trainers on Democratic Citizenship for Youth and Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Workshop Manual Published in 2012 A workshop manual for human rights educators in Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia to promote democratic citizenship and gender equality. Also available in Arabic.
Let’s Act Together for Change: A Practical Guide to Democratic Citizenship for Youth and Women in the Middle East and North Africa Published in 2012 A toolkit to build necessary skills at the community level to undertake community-action projects that promote women’s and youth’s rights to contribute to greater respect for human rights and democratic citizenship across the MENA region. Also available in English.
Let’s Act Together for Change: A Practical Guide to Democratic Citizenship for Youth and Women in the Middle East and North Africa Published in 2012 A toolkit to build necessary skills at the community level to undertake community-action projects that promote women’s and youth’s rights to contribute to greater respect for human rights and democratic citizenship across the MENA region. Also available in Arabic.
Speaking Rights: Human Rights Education Toolkit for Youth, 13 to 17 (Sample for Demonstration) Published in 2010 A sample toolkit designed to develop the knowledge and skills of staff working directly with children to promote inclusion, non-discrimination, multiculturalism, human rights and peaceful conflict resolution in their programs for youth aged 13-17.
Parlons droits: Trousse éducative en droits humains pour les jeunes de 13 à 17 ans (Extrait pour démonstration) Published in 2010 A toolkit promoting human rights, non-discrimination and peaceful conflict resolution by encouraging the active participation of young people aged 13 to 17.
Equality for Women: A Handbook for NHRIs on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Published in 2008 A handbook for national human rights institutions in the Asia-Pacific region to protect and promote women’s equality through economic, social and cultural rights.
Strengthening Human Rights Protection in Indonesia: A Guidebook for Integrating RANHAM Published in 2008 A methodology guide for integrating a human rights-based approach in South East Asia.
Play It Fair! Human Rights Education Toolkit for Children Published in 2008 The Toolkit helps to promote human rights, nondiscrimination and peaceful conflict resolution within non-formal education programs for children, such as summer camps or after school activities in Canada.