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Play It Fair! Basic 3 hour Training: Workshop Manual

A 3-hour training manual designed to develop the knowledge and skills of staff working directly with children to promote inclusion, non-discrimination, multiculturalism, human rights and peaceful conflict resolution in their programs for children and youth. Also available in French.

Play It Fair! Basic One-Day Training: Workshop Manual

A 1-day training manual designed to develop the knowledge and skills of staff working directly with children to promote inclusion, non-discrimination, multiculturalism, human rights and peaceful conflict resolution in their programs for children and youth. Also available in French.

Play It Fair! Toolkit Presentation

Play It Fair! is an easy to use educational Toolkit developed to promote human rights, non-discrimination and peaceful conflict resolution within non-formal education programs for children, such as summer camps or after school activities.

Programme On ne joue pas avec les droits – Présentation

On ne joue pas avec les droits est un programme novateur mis en œuvre dans les camps d’été et les programmes de garde après la classe partout au Canada. Il s’adresse aux enfants de 5 à 12 ans et vise principalement à renforcer chez eux la connaissance des droits humains, le respect de la diversité […]

Play It Fair! Program Presentation

Developed by Equitas, Play It Fair! is an innovative program implemented in day camps and after school programs across Canada that increases children aged 6-12 understanding of human rights, respect for diversity and peaceful conflict resolution.