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Young Canadians Help Promote Diversity and Welcome Newcomer and Refugee Children Using Play it Fair!



TD Bank Group is building stronger communities with a three year $450,000 commitment to Equitas’ Play It Fair! program across Canada. Montreal, February 23, 2016 – In addition to being the lead sponsor for this year’s Montreal Gala for Human Rights, TD Bank Group is renewing and increasing its support for Equitas’ award-winning Play It Fair! program for Canadian children aged 6-12 years old. The $450,000 gift over the period of the next three years will support ongoing program activities including children’s community action projects to help promote inclusion and respect for diversity and an increase in activities with Aboriginal communities and organizations working with newcomers and refugees across Canada. “Many of our over 500 partner organizations across Canada are thinking about diversity and also the role they can play in welcoming refugee children in the community and making sure there is a place for all children to belong, says Ian Hamilton, Equitas Executive Director. “Thanks to TD, the Equitas Play it Fair! program will grow across Canada offering practical tools and activities for community-based organizations, municipalities and schools to support children to take on active roles welcoming children who may be new to their community. We expect to launch a new toolkit to support this in early 2016”. TD’s outstanding support over the last 10 years has meant that more than 500,000 children in 30 communities have participated in activities in summer day camps, after school programs and classrooms learning about how human rights values such as equality, inclusion and respect for diversity can be promoted to tackle challenges like bullying, discrimination and exclusion. “TD is passionate about providing unique opportunities for youth and new Canadians to develop leadership skills and thrive in diverse and inclusive communities where everyone feels a sense of belonging,” said Drew Wawin, District Vice-President, TD Canada Trust, and leader of the Visible Minorities working committee. “By increasing our support for Equitas’ Play It Fair! program and Gala for Human Rights, we’re helping create a more comfortable experience for newcomers and refugees as they settle into new communities.” We believe that education is a powerful tool for positive change. By providing unique training in Canada and globally, we empower changemakers that make their communities better places to be. About Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education Based in Montreal, Equitas is Canada’s oldest and most active human rights education organization, working for the advancement of equality, social justice and respect for human rights. In Canada, we partner with more than 500 local organizations and municipalities to offer training and coaching to strengthen their leadership programming for Canadian children and youth in day camps, after school programs and schools.

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Information : Annie Billington, Communications Manager Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education (514) 954-0382(514) 954-0382, ext. 247 @EquitasIntl

Image with caption “TD Bank Group is building stronger communities with a three year $450,000 commitment to Equitas’ Play It Fair! program across Canada”.

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