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ACTIF Funded projects: Economic RES-Q

Project partners

  • Canada LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce – CGLCC (Canada)
  • Samavesh Chamber of Commerce (India)
  • Equal Asia Foundation – Stichting EqualA Foundation (Thailand)

Project description

This collaborative capacity-building project was co-designed by CGLCC, Samavesh and EqualAF. Both Samavesh and Equal AF conducted preparatory stakeholder consultations that fed into the design of this project. The interventions will provide LGBT2QI persons and communities in Thailand and India with long-term and sustainable economic empowerment solutions leading to inclusive economic growth. The project addresses the long-standing economic inequities experienced by LGBT2QI communities, the immediate economic distress caused due to the COVID -19 pandemic and systems to build resilience against future economic shocks. CGLCC will leverage its considerable national and global experience to support the southern partners to organize themselves, develop strong networks, test innovative solutions and advocate for economic empowerment with a wide range of stakeholders. In India, CGLCC will support Samavesh to kickstart India’s first LGBT2QI Chamber of Commerce and build its capacity by linking them to important stakeholders in the ecosystem. In Thailand, it will support Equal AF to incubate a new model of a cooperative ecosystem. This model cooperative will organize small LGBT2QI businesses and gig workers in Thailand giving them greater access to networks and resources. Both southern partners will work closely with CGLCC to develop a road- map for a post-COVID economic recovery for LGBT2QI communities.