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EquiTalks: Voices of Human Rights Education

This podcast aims to make the voices of human rights education heard, whether it’s the people who work hard at Equitas, partners in Canada and around the world, or perhaps even you one day.

This is a podcast which seeks to elevate voices of human rights education – whether it’s the people working hard within Equitas, our partners in Canada and across the world, or maybe even you one day. We believe in sharing ideas about human rights and learning from each other to advance equality and social justice – we invite you to join us on this journey.

Each episode will contain conversations that seek to enhance your understanding of the potential of human rights education and how it can be innovatively used to strengthen communities and individuals. These accessible discussions will dive into the journeys of human rights defenders and their lessons learned and visions for human rights and social justice.

Welcome to EquiTalks: Voices of Human Rights Education!

New episode!

Joyce Omondi Deloge

Episode 17

Joyce Omondi Deloge, finding opportunity in conflict

This time, we had the honor to speak with the knowledgeable Joyce Omondi Deloge, Technical Specialist for the United Nations Development Programme in Kenya, and facilitator for Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program in 2023. We chatted with Joyce about her journey as a human rights defender, from her student activism days to her human rights education work at the UN and how she learned to merge the two universes in her career. Joyce’s expertise provides invaluable advice for anyone who wishes to know more about non-violent ways to defend justice and to engage with people who have conflicting views.

When working with people who have conflicting views, I think one of the most important things is to understand where they come from […], the context in which they are working. Once you understand this, you can engage with them in that angle and better understand your own background and cultures.

– Joyce Omondi Deloge

Episode 16

Yousry Moustafa, navigating gender equality and human rights in Middle East & North Africa

In this episode, we explore gender equality and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa with Yousry Mustafa, a human rights researcher and activist from Egypt. As an Equitas community member, Yousry shares his experiences promoting human rights, tackling gender inequalities, and creating safe spaces for all identities. He discusses the challenges faced, the impact of international human rights mechanisms, and the importance of education in fostering justice and equality. Tune in for an insightful conversation on the universality of human rights and the hope for a more equitable future. 

Creating safe spaces for all people, regardless of their gender identity, religious identity, whatever kind of identities they have is paramount in protecting human rights.

Yousry Moustafa

Yousry Moustafa
Hétéra et Méus

Episode 15

Hétéra Estimphil and Méus Stephenson, defending the human rights of LGBTQI+ people in Haiti (in French)

In this 15th episode, we talked about the evolution of LGBTQI+ rights in Haiti in the past 10 years, but also about how much work still has to be done to dismantle stereotypes and barriers against the community. We discuss with Hétéra Estimphil, President of Kouraj Pou Pwoteje Dwa Moun in Haiti and Méus Stephenson, Executive Director of this Equitas partner organization, which focuses on advocacy for LGBTQI+ people in Haiti, health and psychosocial support, and community mobilization.  

We work to demystify stereotypes linked to the [LGBTQI+] community, but also to combat hate speech through human rights education.

Hétéra Estimphil 

Our rights weren’t really respected, and it’s [Kouraj’s advocacy] that has enabled us to start integrating into society.

– Méus Stephenson

Episode 14

Consolata Kinabo and Peter Dimitrakopoulos, advancing human rights in Tanzania through meaningful partnerships

In this episode, we discuss with Consolata Kinabo, Project coordinator for the Advancing Equality Project at Tusonge Community Development Organisation in Tanzania and Peter Dimitrakopoulos, Education Specialist at Equitas, who have been working together for five years to advance gender equality and women’s rights in Tanzania. We talked about how to develop a meaningful relationship and ensure equitable collaboration and co-construction in the context of a South-North partnership.  

[…] Frequent reviewing of our relationship as partners, having a space to share and give each other feedback have allowed us to improve and have a strengthen communication channel.

– Consolata Kinabo

When you create a space for people to come together, using a participatory approach, we see magic happen, we see people co-constructing knowledge and working together to solve issues at their own local levels.

– Peter Dimitrakopoulos

Conso & Peter
Mark Daniel Fortaleza

Episode 13

Mark Daniel Fortaleza, making human rights accessible in the Philippines

In this episode, we discuss with Mark Daniel Fortaleza, Program manager for advocacy and campaigns at DAKILA – Philippine Collective for Modern Heroism, helping people in the Philippines to access information, learn about their human rights and fight for them. Mark is a human rights defender and educator who participated in Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) in 2023. We talked about how to reach out to communities through creative campaigning, using art, advocacy or the voices of influencers to explain human rights and make information more accessible to people. 

We shouldn’t assume that people don’t know about human rights. They know about their rights but have different names for it. We have to meet halfway, connect and learn from each other.

Mark Daniel Fortaleza

Episode 12

Fatoumata Bouare and Khady Sow Diop, overcoming barriers to gender equality in Mali and Senegal (in French)

Fatoumata is a Socio-Anthropologist and the Gender Equality and Community Action Manager for Lawyers Without Borders in Mali and Khady is President of the Communications’ Commission of Réseau Sénégal pour l’éducation aux droits humains in Senegal. These two women’s rights defenders from West Africa were respectively participant and co-facilitator in Equitas’ 2023 International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP). In this episode, we talked about how to overcome different social barriers with human rights education to create social change, as well as their work to empower women to defend their rights. 

In Mali, many harmful traditional practices persist, such as female genital mutilation and child or early marriages, which lead to girls dropping out of school.

– Fatoumata Bouare

By sharing knowledge about the values and principles of human rights, we can question certain clichés and power dynamics imposed by culture and tradition.

– Khady Sow Diop

Fatoumata et Khady
Aggy&Mercy (1)

Episode 11

Aginatha Rutazaa and Mercy Mukeni, defending women’s rights in Tanzania and Kenya

In this 11th episode, we discuss with Aginatha Rutazaa, Managing Director, Tusonge Community Development Organization in Tanzania and Mercy Mukeni, Coordinator, Women’s Empowerment Link in Kenya, both partners of our Advancing Equality project. You will learn more about our common work to end gender-based violence and empower women to participate in decision-making spaces through gender budgeting for accessible human rights education training for all women. 

We need to avoid generalizing, not all women are deprived their rights. The gender analysis with an intersectionality eye will give more understanding of the individual groups we work with.

– Aginatha Rutazaa

For women to come up and address issues of gender-based violence, human rights practice must be backed up by policies and laws.

– Mercy Mukeni

Episode 10

Mariano Ruiz, LGBTQI+ rights defender in Argentina

Mariano is President and founder of Derechos Humanos y Diversidad Asociación Civil in Argentina. He’s also Project Coordinator at Fundación AMAL Argentina and is an LGBTQI+ rights defender in his country. He participated in the 41st edition of Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) in 2023. In this episode, he talks about how human rights education helps protect the human rights of LBGTQI+ people and refugees in the Latin American context. 

“There’s a gap between social change and legal change and I’m working to close that gap.”

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Aly et Louna montage

Episode 9

Aly Sanou and Louna François, Advancing Equality Through Human Rights Education in Burkina Faso and Haiti (French episode)

Aly Sanou is the general secretary of the Mouvement Burkinabé des droits de l’Homme et des peuples, and Louna François is a regional project coordinator. Both work conjointly with Equitas as part of the Advancing Equality Through Human Rights Education project, which thrives for the empowerment of women, girls and the advancement of Gender Equality. In this episode, we discussed questions of marginalized people’s inclusion and participation in decision-making processes. For example, how can we make sure they are accessible to single mothers, low-income people, people living with a disability, people who have gone through trauma, etc.? What difference does it make to consider those questions?

The key to change the world and making it safer is human rights education. I urge all human rights educators to persevere, even if things are not always easy, because it is through action that we can build a better world. ” – Aly Sanou

We have to broaden our scope, reach more people and invest in the youth. They too can influence others. Young people can witness social models where there is no solidarity; if we do not show them other models, a way out, things will not improve.” – Louna François

Episode 8

Fatou Bintou Thioune and Sadikh Niass, Rencontre africaine pour la défense des droits de l'Homme in Senegal (French episode)

Fatou Bintou Thioune is Project Coordinator and Sadikh Niass is the Executive Secretary at RADDHO. Both are collaborating with Equitas via the Advance Equality Through Human Rights Education project. In this episode, they speak about a few good practices to promote gender equality they have learned through their experience, notably on how to ensure trainings are inclusive and adapted to different contexts.

“We are here to provide a common understanding of human rights. We must give the opportunity to all members of society, with no distinction, to know about their rights and to appropriate them.” – Fatou Bintou Thioune

“It is important to have partners, like religious guides, who can intervene in environments that are less accessible to us to dissipate the most widespread stereotypes.” – Sadikh Niass

Fatou et Sadikh montage

Episode 7

Nadjet Bouda, Program Officer for the Middle East and North Africa area at Equitas

Nadjet Bouda is a Senior Program Officer at Equitas, covering the Middle East and North Africa area. In this episode, she talks about how to create healthy and efficient collaborations with local human rights organizations beyond cultural differences, all the while ensuring their independence and reinforcing their capacities.

The communities we work with always have something to bring, and it is, I would say, more important than what we bring as an organization, who arrives with its own methodology. It was up to us to take our approach and adapt it with the strengths of the communities.

Episode 6

Rania Derbel, Regional coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa area at Equitas (French episode)

Rania Derbel is a Regional coordinator at Equitas, covering the Middle East and North Africa area. In this episode, she talks about her background in psychology and her involvement in refugee camps before shifting her work towards human rights. She also addresses some good practices to achieve equitable collaboration when working with Equitas’ international partners.

For us, an equitable partnership is based on a equal involvement in what we do. Our role is not to do things for them, or to take their hand, but to be there to provide guidance and accompaniment.


Episode 5

Omaid Sharifi, President of ArtLords, curator, artist and activist

Omaid is the President of ArtLords, an artistic movement founded in 2014 in Afghanistan involving artists and activists in the collective creation of public art, such as murals and street theater. Omaid aims to encourage critical thinking about social issues in the people who look at ArtLord’s works. In this episode, we discussed the importance of critical thinking and how it can be fostered through art, as well as how art can be a useful and liberating tool to heal from trauma.

“Our murals are inviting people to ask questions and promoting critical thinking. What do you really think of these issues that are happening, and why are they happening? What can you do about it?”

Episode 4

Nika Naimi, Cybercrime Prevention Specialist and Education Specialist at Equitas (French episode)

Nika has been with Equitas since October 2020 and tells us about her personal and professional journeys that have led her to work in human rights education today. In this episode, she shares with us her vision for inclusive communities and how she believes youth are at the heart of social change despite the effects the pandemic has had on human connections.

”People are starting to become agents of change, especially youth. They are challenged and passionate about becoming agents of change in their communities to defend human rights through concrete action.”


Episode 3

Libertad Benito Torres, Gender Justice Advocate and Gender Advisor at Equitas

Libertad is a firm believer in social justice and gender equality. She applies these beliefs in her role as a Gender Advisor at Equitas, working towards to supporting Equitas in implementing gender mainstreaming and intersectional perspectives in not only our external projects but also within our internal structures. In this episode, we discussed her human rights journey which includes themes such as inclusive feminisms, recognizing power dynamics within social movements, and the role of her childhood in inspiring her to dismantle structural gender inequalities. 

 “Social injustices are always going to be there, and if you’re there for the long run, you need to take care of yourself.” 

Episode 2

Elom Ezuho, Senior Haiti Program Officer at Equitas (French episode)

Elom is a strong advocate for justice and equality. Growing up in Togo in West Africa, Nelson Mandela’s story motivated his interest in human rights from a very young age. He studied development economics, always keeping in mind a link with human rights, because it was a way for him to participate in changing dynamics. In this episode, we learn more about his journey, the reasons and inspirations that led him to work for the promotion and defense of human rights as well as his conception of human rights.

“What human rights defenders do is simply natural and nothing extraordinary: it is simply the basis of life itself. ”

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Episode 1

Episode 1: Amrita Kauldher, Anti-Racism Educator and former Education Specialist at Equitas

Amrita is passionate about anti-racist pedagogy and social justice education, she has pursued these interests through studying anthropology, teaching, and developing curriculum and workshops such as on culturally responsive teaching practices. During our conversation, we discussed themes such as inclusive education, respecting youth voices, teaching during the pandemic, and her involvement in the British Columbia Ministry of Education’s K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan.

“…The core of human rights education begins with empathy and really seeing, honouring, and accepting people.”