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September 30, 2013: Busy summer for Play it Fair! program

Summer was a busy time for Equitas’ Play it Fair! program as over 80,000 children across Canada learned human rights values through games and fun activities. The program was in use in 24 communities across Canada. Communities new to the program included: Ottawa, Calgary, Edmonton, New Westminster, BC, Langley BC and Kahnawake, QC. As well, over 2,500 children participated in Play it Fair! day events held in BC’s Lower Mainland, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Play it Fair! Day is a national event held every summer on or around August 12 in support of children’s rights. Play it Fair! promotes respect for diversity, children’s participation, and peaceful conflict resolution. Children aged 6-12 learn about the importance of respect, fairness, acceptance, responsibility and cooperation by playing interactive games and discussing how their actions affect those around them. Developed by Equitas, Play it Fair! is run in day camps across Canada to promote children’s healthy development, self-esteem and leadership and to build stronger more inclusive communities where everyone belongs. ‘‘Play it Fair! promotes everything that camps should be about: diversity, equality, being included, teamwork, self-esteem building. Play it Fair! helps camps run smoothly and be better places for all kids to be. ’’ Camp program leader. For more information about Play it Fair! and our programs for youth across Canada, contact: Julie Kon Kam King: jkonkamking@equitas.org

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