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Who we are

Based in Montreal, Equitas is Canada’s oldest and most active human rights education organization. We work for the advancement of equality, social justice and respect for human dignity through transformative education programs. In the last 50 years, we have reached over 2 million people worldwide.

Who we are Equitas was founded in Montreal in 1967 by a group of eminent Canadian scholars and social activists, including the co-drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, John P. Humphrey, women’s rights activist Thérèse Casgrain and the “ambassador of persons with disabilities”, Dr. Gustave Gingras. The co-founders strongly believed that education in […]

West Africa

Regional Program Equitas and its partners play a key role in providing human rights education training to effect and sustain social change in the region in Francophone Africa. Learn more Senegal In Senegal, the Advancing Equality through Human Rights Education (AEHRE) project aims to build safer and more equitable communities where key actors, including children [...]

Our Story

Equitas was founded in Montreal, Canada in 1967 by a group of eminent Canadian scholars and social activists, including the co-drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, John P. Humphrey, women’s rights activist Thérèse Casgrain and the “ambassador of persons with disabilities”, Dr. Gustave Gingras. The co-founders strongly believed that education in the field [...]

Playing it Fair in the City of Surrey

Charting the Success of the Equitas’ Play it Fair! Program National Child Day (November 20) is fast approaching. Every year in the lead up to National Child Day, the City of Surrey in B.C. hosts a Kids Conference in partnership with community organizations like Equitas, to celebrate children in their community. The Surrey Kids Conference […]

Renewing our collective commitment to future generations: building inclusive, equitable and safer communities – A message from our Chair of the Board of Directors and our Executive Director

The plight of millions of refugees and migrants shocked the world in 2015, and one question kept surfacing: what can we do to help in our communities? As we turned to our network of alumni, partners and friends for ideas and inspiration, they were unanimous in underlining the important need for human rights education to […]

A Future for Peace in Colombia

Building Colombia’s historical memory through human rights education After 50 years of conflict, the long-awaited peace accord between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) wasn’t ratified. On October 2, citizens who voted “No” to the referendum won by 0.4 percentage points. The small difference of around 60,000 votes shows the […]

Impact story – Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata : We all work together to help one another

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata (Ma Mawi) is a Grandmother in the Winnipeg family of community service-providers working with Indigenous families for more than 30 years. Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata means “we all work together to help one another” in Ojibway. Over the last 10 years, Ma Mawi and Equitas have been exchanging knowledge, […]

Equitas at the 2016 World Social Forum

From August 9-12, the Equitas team joined hundreds of people for a week of exchange, workshops and the sharing of new ideas at the 2016 World Social Forum in Montreal. Participatory Workshop #1 – Educate, empower, change through human rights education  On August10, Equitas and our guests the Raging Grannies were welcoming participants in the WSF’s Espace […]

A Human Rights approach to Canada’s International Assistance Policy – Equitas’ submission to the International Assistance Review

Equitas welcomes this International Assistance Review and opportunity to contribute insights gained from our experience and the work of our 5,000 partners and alumni on the ground. Our submission has been developed with the benefit of participation in a number of the formal consultations in recent months organized by the Government as well as the […]

Programme on Engaged Citizenship: A contribution of Haitian human rights organisations to the reconstruction of Haiti

Article first published on the Coordination Europe-Haiti website here.   In 2010, about twenty Haitian human rights organisations launched a programme for the promotion of engaged citizenship. The idea of the programme was born after the earthquake of January 2010, which destroyed a large part of the Haitian capital and surrounding cities and which caused […]