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Discrimination amidst a pandemic: Together we can make a difference

DONATE NOW Almost nine months since the start of this global pandemic brought on by COVID-19, the world is still reeling from the heavy social, political, and financial consequences brought on by the virus.   Equitas has been creative in rethinking the delivery of our programs in the context of remote working and travel restrictions. Hand in hand with over sixty partners across Canada and internationally, Equitas has pivoted to online delivery, all while maintaining our participatory empowering approach.  As we hear more and more of communities and individuals whose voices are ignored and whose human rights [...]

Virtual EquiTalks: A Success for Equitas!

This year, Equitas had the opportunity to innovate and held its annual EquiTalks: Building Connected Communities events online. Presented in collaboration with Dignity Network Canada, the EquiTalks brought together more than 350 participants from 30 different countries, offering an international dimension to this event series, contributing to its success due to its increased accessibility.   Two panel discussions were held on October 21 and 22 with our guest of honor: Victor Madrigal Borloz, the United [...]

10 years of Speaking Rights!

Equitas is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its program dedicated to Canadian youth, Speaking Rights!  What is Speaking Rights?  Speaking Rights is a human rights program that aims at developing the capacity of youth between ages 12 and 18, to engage in actions that support respect for human rights.   How do we create impact?  After taking parts in our training on human rights, young people put […]

Teaching Youth about Human Rights in Senegal

In Senegal, 24% of children are subjected to severe physical punishment – which is a violation of children’s rights as expressed in Article 19 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Teaching children about their rights is important not only to build their capacity to stand up for themselves and others, but to empower youth […]

Building Inclusive communities: An action guide for young people

Equitas is thrilled to announce the launch of its new Guide, Building Inclusive Communities – An action guide for young people. This Guide is an important component of Equitas’ human rights education programming across Canada which aims to increase participation and leadership of all young people and to promote respect for diversity and inclusion.  You can […]

Support human rights education by reading a book!

Buy the book, support Equitas! As a former primary teacher, Kristin Butcher, the author of The Druid and the Dragon, believes that one is never too young or too old to make a difference in their community. Equitas’ work in Canada is all about children and youth creating change in their communities on issues that […]

More than $7 500 were raised for Equitas at the Scotia Bank Virtual Race!

More than 150 km were completed by our 19 runners! 19 people ran and raised funds for Equitas and human rights education in the Scotia Bank Virtual Race this summer. More than $7 500 were raised this year for our first participation in the race. You can still donate to Equitas and support human rights […]

Equitas is excited to announce our participation in the 6th edition of the Peace Network for Social Harmony’s Peace Days!

  Since 2015, the Peace Network for Social Harmony has coordinated Montreal’s Peace Days celebrations, including events on the International Day of Peace itself (Sept 21). The Peace Network works with many partners, including those from the community, cultural, educational, and philanthropic sectors. These partners organize an array of activities each year that enable Montrealers to […]

How Youth in Medicine Hat are Standing Up to Bullying and Racism

Empowering Youth to Become Changemakers   For the Saamis Newcomer Youth Advisory Council, the group leading an Equitas Community Action Project (CAP) composed of youth who are new to Canada, tackling issues related to racism, stereotypes against new immigrants and bullying is key to creating safer and more inclusive communities. As part of Equitas’ Speaking Rights […]

Opening our eyes to disability: from the IHRTP to my research thesis

Manon Thépault was an intern at the International Human Rights Training Program in 2018, where she met activists defending the rights of people living with disabilities. This inspired her to write her master’s thesis on the evolution of these rights in the MENA region.  My experience at the International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP), organized […]