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New publication – Promoting religious harmony in Sri Lanka: lessons learned and good practices

The publication Lessons Learned and Good Practices, is a result of the project, Promoting Religious Harmony in Sri Lanka. It features the lessons learned and good practices for engaging various actors during the implementation of the project which involved decisions makers, religious groups, government officials, members of civil society organizations, children and youth, teachers and […]

#BeTheChange North Shore Pre-Teen Conference

Equitas BC is excited to invite you to #BeTheChange North Shore Pre-Teen Conference on Saturday, April 16th. The purpose of the Pre-Teen Conference is to provide pre-teens with the concepts, motivation and strategies to be agents of positive change in their school, family, and community.   They will be able to take a leadership role in […]

IN THE NEWS – Creating Future Leaders Through Rights & Values in Montreal

This article was first published in the Winter 2016 edition of the B.A.S.E. Daycare Program Newspaper, Touching B.A.S.E. You can download a PDF copy of the newspaper here. – Teenagers engaging with younger students through games that explore learning about rights and values is an exciting initiative happening in B.A.S.E. daycares. This school year, 22 […]

IN THE NEWS – 200 Montrealers celebrate diversity and inclusion at the 10th Equitas Gala for Human Rights

Susan Schwartz, Montreal Gazette – Monday, February 29, 2016 (Source: bit.ly/1RfvycM) More than 200 Montrealers celebrated diversity and inclusion at the 10th Equitas Gala for Human Rights, held Feb. 11 at the Rialto Theatre. The event raised $100,000, with all proceeds and donations going to support the work of Equitas in communities in Canada, Africa, South Asia, Latin […]