Equitas and its partners encourage Canadian children to #PlayItFair and speak their rights.
Celebrated annually on November 20th, National Child Day is a day dedicated to promoting and safeguarding the rights of children and youth.
– Dear Justin Trudeau – Our #PostcardtoParliament Campaign was a big success! This year again, thousands of Canadian children took part in the national Equitas Postcard to Parliament Campaign. Held annually on National Child Day (November 20th), this campaign encourages Canadian children from all across Canada to send a postcard to the Prime Minister to let him know why children’s rights matter to them. 20,000 postcards have been sent all across Canada. This year, the postcards focused on Article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child that states that the best interest of the child must be the primary consideration when adults make decisions that affect children.
“We are proud to support this initiative that encourages young generations to express their ideas on the importance of diversity and human rights values. It empowers them to find creative ways to promote inclusion, respect and cooperation within their community, and shows them that their voice counts.” Jane Duchscher, Senior Vice President, Ontario North and East Region, TD Bank Group.

– 300 children took over the Senate in Ottawa On November 19th, 2015, Equitas hosted a special activity in the Senate to celebrate National Child Day. 300 children (grade 4, 5 and 6 – 10-12 years old) from Ottawa schools took over the Senate for an hour of celebration and learnt about their rights through two Equitas Play It Fair! activities. These activities gave children the opportunity to explore why diversity is important to them and ways they can share their ideas and opinions so they can be heard.
“We are thrilled to welcome Equitas to the Senate Chamber for this special event,” says Senator Munson. “Teaching children about their rights is central to National Child Day and Play It Fair! offers a fun and engaging way to educate them.” “The 2015 National Child Day celebrations in the Senate represent a great opportunity for children from schools in the Ottawa area to share their ideas with the Senators and other decision-makers on Parliament Hill,” says Ian Hamilton, Executive Director of Equitas. “By participating in Play It Fair! activities, children learn the skills they need to understand their rights and be part of positive change in their communities.”

The TD Bank Group, has been a longtime supporter of Play it Fair! nationally which ensures that over 100,000 Canadian children each year get to play with a purpose, say no to bullying and embrace diversity.