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July 9, 2013:Young Women, Young Leaders

New program in Montreal

Young Women, Young Leaders (YWYL), strengthens the active  participation of young women in civic, political and community life in Montreal. YWYL supports community action projects, led by young women that address issues that most affect them in their daily lives, with the collaboration of Equitas and a strong network of community organizations, mentors, municipal leaders and institutional partners.  YWYL creates spaces for meaningful dialogue between young women, female role-models in decision-making roles, civil society organizations, government bodies, and the media in order to dismantle barriers to young women’s participation in community life. YWYL equips emerging young women leaders and organizations with the knowledge and skills to promote increased young women’s participation and citizenship engagement in their communities. YWYL is anchored in local activities in 4 boroughs of Montreal: Ville Marie, Verdun, Saint-Michel, and Côte-des-Neiges / NDG and includes:

• Partnerships with community stakeholders and a participatory needs assessment

• Skills development and capacity building workshops for emerging young women leaders and

community organizations

• Youth-led community action projects engaging girls and young women

• Bi-annual gatherings for young women from the 4 boroughs;

• A Young Women’s Forum

• Specialized educational materials to empower and engage girls/young women

• Coordination, coaching, support, and sharing of lessons learned.

Watch the report on Global News. Download the  information pamphlet here For more information contact: Ruth Morrison, Program Officer, (514) 954-0382 ext. 243 This project is funded by Status of Women Canada and The Telus Montreal Community Board.

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