Equitas staff members have just returned from Algeria where we are working in partnership the Algerian Network for the Defence of Children’s Rights (NADA) in order to implement Equitas’ Play it Fair program in Algeria. ” The project aims to build the capacity of schools to promote positive human rights values, such as non-discrimination and peaceful conflict resolution amongst children. All children are concerned, particularly those who live in difficult circumstances, or are vulnerable or marginalized, ” explained Hamida Goufi, Director of programs at NADA.

Equitas visited Algeria to become familiar with the Algerian context, particularly the children’s rights situation in the wilaya (province) of Algiers. NADA, an organization working with children nationally, has expertise in the promotion and protection of child rights. Together, NADA and Equitas will conduct a one-year pilot project. Equitas’ innovative approach to human rights education will be shared with the experts at NADA, who themselves will equip teachers and other child-care workers with positive methods to promote human rights values in order to reduce violence in schools. Several workshops were held during Equitas’ visit in Algiers and the enthusiasm of the participants was unmistakable: “I’ve long wanted to work for a children’s rights association, and I’ve always fought for children to be better treated. This workshop has taught me a new method that teaches children through play, ” said one participant. In the next phase of the project, a training of trainers will be held in Algiers in early June. Read more: Quotidien éléctronique-reporters.dz-Lutte contre la violence en milieu scolaire _ Nada et Equitas s’associent pour un projet pilote Quotidien-Algerie360-« On ne joue pas avec les droits des enfants » L’expérience canadienne au menu Quotidien-Le Soir d’Algérie-APPRENDRE TOUT EN S’AMUSANT