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East Africa Human Rights Program

Equitas and its partners play a key role in providing human rights education training to effect and sustain social change in the region.

The East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) is a regional training program which provides a unique opportunity for human rights workers, defenders, activists and educators from civil society organizations, institutions and government agencies, to deepen their understanding of human rights and the essential role of human rights education in effecting and sustaining social change. Developed in partnership with Equitas training alumni from across East Africa, the goal of the EAHRP is to strengthen the capacity of a regional pool of human rights organizations and institutions to use a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to advance gender equality and human rights through human rights education (HRE), with the purpose of building a global culture of human rights.

2025 8th EAHRP Session

The East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) gather participants from everywhere in East Africa for a two-week learning and capacity-strengthening training.

The 8th edition of the EAHRP will officially be held next year, from February 2nd to 14th in Tanzania, and will be overviewed by longstanding Equitas partner TUSONGE Community Development Organization.

The call for applications is now closed. Stay tuned for other training opportunities in the near future!

The goal of the EAHRP is to strengthen the capacity of a regional pool of human rights organizations and institutions to use a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to advance gender equality and human rights through human rights education (HRE), with the purpose of building a global culture of human rights. 

To this end, the program places a strong emphasis on the transfer of learning and on follow-up activities. Participants attending the program develop an Individual Plan for putting their learning into action as part of the training.

EAHRP Information Package 2024

For more information about the 8th session, you can read the EAHRP 2024 Information Guide

Frequently Asked Questions about the East Africa Human Rights Program

All relevant information required to complete an application is included in the EAHRP 2024 Information Guide.

Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers about the program and its application process.

General Information

What is the EAHRP?

The East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) is a human rights education initiative of alumni of Equitas’ annual International Human Rights Training Program from the East African region and alumni of the East Africa Human Rights program in partnership with Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education based in Montreal, Canada. The EAHRP arose out of the realization of the need to expand opportunities for more human rights workers operating at national and community levels seeking to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to carry out their work more effectively but who were not able to secure opportunities to attend the annual International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) organized by Equitas in Canada. 

For whom is this program designed?

The EAHRP is primarily designed for representatives of non-governmental human rights organizations (NGOs, communitybased organizations, youth or selfhelp groups) who have undertaken some human rights education training activities.

Organizations which nominate candidates must: 

  • have a demonstrated commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights 
  • have a track record for mobilization and effective action 
  • be involved in human rights education activities such as training sessions, workshops, public awareness campaigns, advocacy, monitoring 
  • be committed to providing opportunities for individuals to apply the knowledge and skills gained in the program within the organization or community 

In which language does the program take place?

The EAHRP requires participants to actively engage in group work and read extensively. Therefore, all participants must be fluent in reading and writing in English.

What are the objectives of the EAHRP?

By the end of the training, participants should be able to:

  • use a framework based on regionally and internationally accepted human rights standards and principles to analyze the issues and situations encountered in their work and that of their organization 
  • identify ways in which human rights education can increase the effectiveness of their human rights work  
  • integrate a participatory approach into their human rights and human rights education work  
  • incorporate a human rights-based approach and a gender perspective in their human rights and human rights education work  
  • determine strategies for promoting gender equality in their human rights education work 
  • employ a basic evaluation process for assessing the results of their human rights education work  
  • explore networking opportunities essential for furthering the cause of human rights  
  • indicate appropriate ways for putting their learning from the EAHRP into practice in the work of their organizations 

Application Process

What documents must I provide?

  • The completed Application Form (Part A completed by the Director, Chair or Manager of the candidate’s organization; Part B completed by the candidate) 
  • The Memorandum of Agreement duly signed by the candidate and the Director, Chair or Manager of the candidate’s organization 
  • Two supporting letters from national and/or international human rights organizations (other than the candidate’s) familiar with the candidate’s work and/or the work of their organization 
  • A brochure (and/or mission statement) describing the candidate’s organization 

Profiles of Candidates

Candidates from qualifying organizations must: 

  • be active employees / volunteers / associates with their organization for at least one year  
  • be in a position to influence the human rights education work of their organization 
  • have knowledge of human rights principles and major regional or international instruments 
  • be committed to transferring knowledge and skills gained during the program to colleagues and others with whom they work 
  • be sensitive to issues which may arise when working in multicultural groups and be respectful of diversity 

Please note that whilst someone may apply to both the EAHRP and the Equitas International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP), they can only participate in one of the Programs. 

Participants may come from the following East African countries: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia,
South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.


May I apply if I am not affiliated with an organization?

Consideration will also be given to individuals who may not necessarily be associated with an organization but more with community action and mobilization on specific issues. The individual will still be expected to meet the above requirements from a community perspective. Further, in a limited number of cases, consideration will also be given to individuals affiliated with other types of organizations involved in human rights education and corresponding to the above profile, such as educational institutions. 

Memorandum of Agreement

Who must sign the Memorandum of Agreement if I am the director of my organization?

If you are the director of your organization, your Memorandum of Agreement must be signed by the president of your organization’s Board of directors.


Who must sign the Memorandum of Agreement if I do not work for an organization?

If you do not work for an organization and thus are unable to complete the Memorandum of Agreement, we require that you write a separate letter explaining how you plan to make use of your EAHRP training in an individual work plan. The individual work plan is an exercise that invites you to think about how you will include knowledge and skills acquired during the EAHRP to your human rights education work.

Selection Process

A Selection Committee, made up of EAHRP alumni and Equitas, will review all applications. In addition to the requirements previously listed, consideration will also be given to overall gender balance, (dis)ability and geographic representation. Given the number of applications and limited space available, unfortunately not all worthy candidates are accepted. Applicants’ understanding in this matter is greatly appreciated. 

Fees and Bursaries

What is the cost of the EAHRP?

The EAHRP participation fee is $3,500 USD. This amount covers tuition, program materials, accommodation, and meals, but does not include travel costs. 

Participants are responsible for any extra expenses such as entertainment and meals purchased outside of the cafeteria.   

How can I get a bursary?

Through the support of the Government of Canada, there is funding to award a limited number of bursaries to selected regional candidates. A bursary includes full tuition fees (including room and board) for the two-week training program as well as travel expenses. Once eligibility has been determined, the Selection Committee will award the bursaries to the candidates who best meet the requirements. Due to the limited number of bursaries available, there is no guarantee that the selected candidates will receive funding. 

*For more information, you can also contact us at cbradley@equitas.org


About the EAHRP

The East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) is the human rights education initiative of alumni of Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program from the East African region and alumni of the East Africa Human Rights Program. The EAHRP arose out of the realization of the need to expand opportunities for more human rights workers operating at national and community levels seeking to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to carry out their work more effectively but who were not able to attend Equitas’ annual International Human Rights Training Program held in in Canada.

The program’s participatory methodology provides a framework for the sharing of expertise, experience and reflection among a tremendously diverse group of participants, facilitators and highly qualified resource persons.

The program places a strong emphasis on the transfer of learning and on follow-up activities. Participants attending the program develop an Individual Plan for putting their learning into action as part of the training.

“The program has enriched my knowledge of human rights from a practical point of view. The participatory approach is one component that stood out for me. I have learned the different techniques such as brainstorming and live story board that I will transfer to my colleagues at work.” Participant in the EAHRP 2021, Uganda

The program contributes to networking at both the national and regional levels and to developing collaborative partnerships among representatives of civil society, national human rights institutions, regional, and international organisations, and governments.

Since the inception of the EAHRP, we have:

  • developed a “home-grown” human rights training and education curriculum based on relevant regional human rights issues and concern;
  • established a pool of core human rights training facilitators with demonstrated commitment to the cause of establishing a culture of human rights in the region.

Past Sessions

2022 EAHRP Sessions

With alumni partners from across East Africa, Equitas developed the 2021 East Africa Human Rights Training Program (EAHRP). The EAHRP would normally bring together participants from across East Africa for a two-week learning experience. However, due to the ongoing challenges around COVID-19, Equitas worked with partners to implement National Training Sessions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda respectively. In each country, our implementing partners conducted the trainings locally.

2021 EAHRP Sessions

With alumni partners from across East Africa, Equitas developed the 2021 East Africa Human Rights Training Program (EAHRP). The EAHRP would normally bring together participants from across East Africa for a two-week learning experience. However, due to the ongoing challenges around COVID-19, Equitas worked with partners to implement National Training Sessions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda respectively. In each country, our implementing partners conducted the trainings locally.

2017 EAHRP Session

The 2017 East Africa Human Rights Program (EAHRP) took place from October 15 -27.  The EAHRP is a regional training program targeting participants from East African countries. In its 5th rendition, the two-week training session brought together thirty-five human rights workers and educators from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda, along with an experienced team of facilitators. Hosted by TUSONGE Community Development Organization, the training provided a unique opportunity for human rights workers, defenders, activists and educators to deepen their understanding of human rights and the essential role of human rights education in effecting and sustaining social change.

Program Brochure

EAHRP Information Package 2024

Our partners

Canada-partners-partenaires-colors-en (1)


Chris Bradley
Senior Program Officer, East Africa

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